When It all boils down !

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Sha'nae P.O.V

Atfer we heard that I decided to go back home and see did my sister make it ! When I arrived there I ran into the living room and there she was my big sis sachae ! I was so happy to see her it's been forever ! She told me to show her around town , so I wanted to take her to the mall !

*15 mins later we arrived*

Girl this place is packed she said

I know it be like this everyday I said

Girl look at that boy over that checkin me out ! I kno I'm fine , but you don't gotta stare ! She said rolling her eyes


OMFG !! She yelled

Heyy sexy ladies he said laughin

I don't see nun funny little boy ! She said Rollin her eyes

Ain't nun little over here ! Im a grown man . He said smilin

How old are you ? she said

Why you asking all these question and we ain't even started datin yet ! But I'm 22 he said laughing

"Dating" Boy bye ! She said

What's your numba ma ?

1(773)-345-8790 she said writing it down on a piece of paper

Ight ! Imma catch up wiff y'all later he said walkin away

He must be new cause I never seen him around here before I said

Girl he finee ! he seem coo , but you can't judge a book by its cover !

Sachae P.O.V

When we left the mall so many thoughts was goin through my mind ! I just came here and im already meetin niggas . I ain't Tryna brag but I kno I'm sexy .. We finna head home and maybe look for some plans later wiff my lil sis . When we got home my brother was sittin on the couch !

Hey big sis ! he said

Hey bro ! What you on later on ? I said

Imma goin out tonight wiff my bros . he said

Ohh ! I said

She met a boy today and yess he ah thug ! Sha'nae said Rollin my eyes at deshaun

Sis , what did I tell you . I'm you lil big bro and I suppose to protect you from thugs ! He said lookin down

Protect me ?! Nigga I'm grown ! I said

Ok and ? he said

You gotta let me be me ! I said walking up the stairs

Aundre P.O.V

After i smoked my blunt I notices It was 9:00 pm . I went upstairs to take a shower . When I got out I put on my black Robbin jeans , grey polo shirt , and my Jordan 9's . I also sprayed my 50 cent cologne on and put on my ear ring , and my silver chain ! I was iced out and ready to go , but I still got that shit on my mind about shananique saying she pregnant wiff my baby . It's still bothers me because I kno I did t fuck her and she Tryna threat me saying she goin to tell blood gang ! Man I don't give a fuck , let a nigga try to come at my head he gettin smoked !

Lucy P.O.V

I'm bored sitting in the house by myself while Anthony out there doin god knows what ! I want to go to the movies tonight , so I'm finna hit up my girls ...

Me : Wanna go to the movies tonight ?

Squadd 🔫😈💂: Hell yea ! We ain't doin nun anyways

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