Causing Problems

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Sha'nae P.O.V

I kno damn well this nigga ain't juss sit by me 😤. OMG he gets on my nerves ! I'm kinda still mad that he had his hands around me like he in control! Mrs. Bazil walked in and asked us to pull out ah piece of paper and write our name , date , and write about our summer . Someone tapped me !

Jeremy: can I get a piece of paper ?

Me: I swear black niggas ain't never prepared . Here you go I say slamming a sheet of paper on his desk !

So I was trying to write until Jeremy pass me a note . It reads...

Dear Sha'nae ,

I kno I have hurt you before and broke your heart ! It's something about makes me love you more ! I want you to be my R.O.D , boothang , wifey , and most importantly my everything .

Love Jeremy

I couldn't believe this is how Jeremy felt . I couldn't make up my mind , So I decided to write him back .

Dear Jermey ,

I don't kno wat to say I love you past death , but all you do is hurt me . I need to think about but here's my number 1(708)-345-5347 !

Love Sha'nae


I passed him the note back and continued doin my work. 2 hours passed and I was time for lunch . Me & Lexi met up with trey and went to lunch . We got our lunch and started to talk to get caught up . I look across the cafeteria and I could see that hoe shananique .

What's wrong ? Trey said

Look at that hoe shananique I said

*We look over*

That bitch ain't changed ah bit Lexi said

She still ah hoe and always will be trey said

Yea ik that hoe betta stay away frm my brotha and my man !

Yo wat ?! Lexi & trey both said

Jeremy wrote me a letter on how he truly feels about me and he asked me out . I wrote him back giving him my number but I didn't tell him my answer yet! I said

Girl idk maybe you should its a new year ! Go for it . Plus Jeremy my cousin if he hurt you I'm hurt him . Lexi said

Y'all kno that's my nigga , but you blood Sha'nae and if Jeremy Hurt you one more time I'm goin to jail. trey said

"Speaking of the devil" I say hiding my face

Baby why you hiding that pretty smile ? Jeremy said

Maybe I don't want you to see it I say lifting my head up

Hey lil sis deshaun said

Hey bro ! I say

Hey future , wassup trey ! Deshaun said

Who yo future cause I'm not Lexi said

Don't be like that bae deshaun said

Ayee , Cut it out you two I say yellin

Can me and my bro get ah seat deshaun say lookin at me & Lexi

Yea ! I'm leaving Lexi say getting up

Where you going deshaun says pulling her into his lap

She let out a blush and start to pout

While deshaun Is whispering in Lexi ear I see a smile come upon her face .

Jeremy P.O.V

Hey ma , You gone stare at them or come sit on daddy lap I said lookin at Sha'nae

For One you not my daddy . For Two I'm finee ! Sha'nae says

You will be even more fine wiff me I said

Get a room I say yellin at my bro and cousin .

They in love trey say

Awwwwww Sha'nae says lookin at Lexi and bro

That could be us but...

You kno I don't like that hoe a familiar voice says

Shananique I kno you ain't callin me a hoe Sha'nae says

Yes bitch stank hoe ass ! Jeremy is MINE !

Says who ? I said

Says me shananique said

Ohh shit it's about to go DOWNNN !!! 👏👊✌trey said

Bitch if he yours while he sittin with me hoe Sha'nae say

Stupid hoe he dont like yo uglayyy ass shananique says

Bitch call me a hoe one more time and watch I mop the floor with yo ugly ass Sha'nae said

Hoe hoe Ho.. Shananique said

Before she could say hoe ah third time Sha'nae was swinging on her ass .

Sha'nae P.O.V

I'm sittin here talkin to Jeremy and this rat hoe shananique pop up talkin bout Jeremy her man and shit , she also called me ah hoe . I told that bitch call me ah hoe one more time and watch I mop the floor with yo ugly ass .

All I heard was hoe hoe Ho.. Comin out of shananique mouth before she could even get hoe out the third time I juss start swinging on that bitch

DONT EVER punch CALL ME punch A HOE punch YOU GOT punch ME FUCKED punch UP

I grabbed her hair swung that bitch to the floor and just started banging bitch head into the wall. Until somebody grabbed my and pulled me into the principal office.

Lexi P.O.V

I juss witness my Bestfrannn whoop some ass . That bitch deserve every bit of it if you ask me . Lemme call Sha'nae see if she wanna go to the mall !

Me: hey

Bestfrannn 💕👭: heyy girll

Me: wanna go to the mall or Nahh ?!

Bestfrannn💕👭: he'll yea ! But I gotta tell you sum. I'm finna come pick you up okay ?!!

Me: okayy

*15 min. Later she pulls up*

Get in bishhh she said yelling

Okay hoe damn I say gettin in

Girll yo cousin kissed me she said screamin

You Lyin I said

I'm fr girll she said

Deshaun P.O.V

I'm kinda feeling for Lexi Mann. She kno she like me too she juss don't kno how to say It . Got ah nigga over here feelin some type of way ! Me & my niggas finna go to the trap house then hit the mall !

*20 min. we arrive at the trap house*

Wasssup folks we say entering the trap house

Wats happenin andre says

Nun much finna go to the mall trey said

Mann did y'all see this fineee redbone . She thick as hell bruh aundre says

Aww foreal ?! I ain't even lookin at these thots nomore . I'm ready for a relationship I said

With who ? They all said

My baby Lexi ! She be on games but she kno she love me ! I said with ah smirk on my face

Nigga she got you whipped and y'all ain't even together aundre says

Aundre P.O.V

Watupp folks I'm aundre . I'm deshaun and Jeremy niggas ! I don't really wiff trey like that but he coo people . I'm light skin , 5'5 , got them waves tho ! You can say ah nigga fresh as fuck ! I'm 17 and a senior in high school !

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