The ball to your Heart - Niall

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Sabrina’s  P.O.V.

I was lying alone on the beach. My boyfriend just dumped me two weeks ago and my best friend is now his new flame. I don’t get it. Since the moment I knew they are dating I started being alone. Every time I came home I went in my room and locked me up, listened music and blogged on tumblr. After a while I turned me, I needed to get brown. I was to pale. After a while I heard some guys in my age laughing, they were playing football. I watched them, because I was wearing big sunglasses no one noticed that I was spying them.  Then suddenly the blonde one kicked the ball to me.

Niall’s P.O.V.

You can’t even play football, you fool.” Harry joked about me. I kicked the ball to a girl with light brown hair, she was wearing sunglasses. As she saw that a ball is rolling to her she stood up and took it. I walked to her and she walked to me. “I guess that’s your-“ she said then I guess she recognized who I was. “Are you Niall Horan? From One Direction?” She seemed a bit like she would fangirling but how she was acting I think she was just very surprised that she met me here. “Yes, that’s me Niall Horan. The Irish guy in One Direction.” I added. She laughed, her laugh was so adorable that I thought it would melt me.  “Niall did you found something to eat or why do you let us wait?” Zayn asked as he suddenly stand next to me.  “Hay Zayn.” The girl said. “Hay … you are?” Zayn asked her confused. As she took of her sunglasses and put them in her hair I saw her gorgeous blue eyes.  “I am Sabrina.” She said with a smile. I wasn’t able to talk to her, I never felt that way. She was totally adorable I never met someone like her. Zayn looked at me and raised an eyebrow. He saw how I was looking at her and so he knew what was going on.  “Uhm so Sabrina, do you want to join us? While we are playing football?” Zayn asked with these flirty little eyes, I could have killed him. I had no idea why I was such jealous because he was talking to her in that way.  She nodded and the wind just blow her perfect light brown hair out of her face. “I would love to but first of all I need to pick my stuff together.” She pointed back to an orange beach towel and a Cher Lloyd bag. While she pointed to her stuff Zayn hit me in my rips, then I looked at him confused. “I guess you really like her so get your lazy ass up and help her. I’ll try to get the rest away that you can talk to her alone.” He told me before he hugged Sabrina because he didn’t greeted her he just asked her who she was. Her cheeks went light red. Zayn walked away to the boys who were looking at us the whole time. Sabrina walked to her stuff then finally I found my voice again. “Wait I’ll help you with your stuff.”

Sabrina’s P.O.V.

“Wait I’ll help you with your stuff.” Niall told me finally he was talking to me again. I thought I did something wrong. After Zayn took the ball he walked back to the others. I was not really that girl who is fangirling over them but Niall is so hot. Since I heard Torn I was kinda falling for Niall even though I didn’t even knew him. But now I met him. I packed my towel in my bag and looked at Niall. He was staring at me.  “Okay fine. Just tell what have I done wrong? That I stood up to give you the ball back? That I know that you are Niall Horan? That I think you are freaking adorable?” As I said that he was freaking adorable his jaw dropped.  ‘Oh shit I really said I think he is freaking adorable?’ I sighed now he really has to think I am a freak. Great work Sabrina. I walked away a bit sad and totally mad about myself. Then a hand grabbed my arm. I turned me, it was Niall. “I am sorry for my behavior. Okay, I didn’t wanted to hurt you in any possible way.” He looked at me with these blue eyes. I bit my lower lip that was exactly what my ex-bf said. He noticed that something was wrong. “What’s wrong Sabrina? I really didn’t meant to hurt you.” I nodded.Now he smiled and gave me a big Horan-Hug, his strong arms were wrapped around my waist and I snuggled my face in his shoulder.  It was so comfortable. And then I started to cry, I let all of my feelings out I had hidden.The pain, the fact that my ex-boyfriend broke my heart, that my best friend was a bitch it all was way too much now. Shhh. It’s fine I am here I’ll be always here okay.” Niall told me after he wiped my tears away. We walked throw the beach, and just talked about my life why I was crying and about the band and then Harry showed up and hugged me.  “I guess you are Sabrina. I am Harry Styles. But I think you know that anyway.” I nodded and chuckled a bit. “I am really sorry to destroy your little chat, but Niall”, he turned and looked at Niall, “We have to go, we have later today a concert. But if you want to bring your princess with you I have something for her.”  Harry gave me a VIP-Ticket for the concert today. On the tickets was also a note. Hey, Babe. Remember me? I know Niall has a little crush on you and I think you also like him so here is his number *********** and I hope to see you soon. –Z. ‘Who was Z? Zayn Malik gave me Niall’s number and he also challenged to get me a VIP ticket.’ Before Niall could see that there was his and also Zayn’s number on it he gave me a hug. I kissed his cheek and he whispered in my ear “I can’t wait to see you at the concert.

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