Chapter One

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He stood on the barren waste land that use to be a planet, taking note of everything that was spread out in front of him.The atmosphere of the planet didn't have enough air to support him without his helmet on constantly. The ground held no vegetation, just the occasional dust that would be picked up by the weak winds.

It was depressing that at one point that the Galra used to live on the planet, Daibazaal and it was able to support them. In fact for a short time as he was reminded from Hagger, Lotor use to lived on this barren planet as well. Of course he had no memories of the place when it was filled with life, bursting to the seams with different variations of the Galra.

He had that section of history of Galra history where the half breeds and pure blood Galra were allowed to live together in relative peace. It only tore at his heart a bit when he first learned that after facing the comments from his father's soldiers for so long. But he soon learned that letting himself long for a past he was barely apart of was not what a future leader should think

They should strive for a future where peaceful interactions between the Galra Empire and the rest of universe would be common.

So after being banished several times by his father, he started to strive towards the goal he had in mind. Started to play to everyone's expectations they had for him. Bent the rules of the Galra army to fit the plans he had to be the future leader the empire needed. After all Lotor rather citizens respect him for being a decent leader rather than fear him.

As he took a few steps over the dusty lands, he looked over a few pieces of pottery that somehow survived. If he was a person who studied the past civilizations, he bet he would be ecstatic to see such intact pieces. Still he didn't move them from where they were. The spirits of the past should stay where they belong.

As he continued to look over the deserted planet, he could hear faint humming from behind him. It wasn't a sound that he normally had when wearing his helmet. In his mind he checked through the list of things it could possibly be as he turned his body to face whatever it was.

Several hundred feet away from him, he saw a wormhole. It swirling with different colours going around with the occasional energy whipping itself out from it. For the next few moments all Lotor could do was watch it, fascinated by how it suddenly appeared.

And then he moved towards it, running for all he was worth. If he remembered correctly, the comet that the lions of Voltron were created from, surely he might be able to create another set for himself and his team of generals. As the distance between himself and the wormhole grew shorter, the wormhole itself started to lash out even more energy.

Lotor knew it was dangerous to go towards a wormhole when it started to have energy taking control of the structure of the whole thing. Yet he continuously ran towards it, pushing aside the consequences that wracked up in his mind.

As he neared it by a few feet, something was spat out of the wormhole and then it collapsed into itself. The explosion was beautiful as it was dangerous with all the colours swirling outwards, sweeping over the unknown object and Lotor himself. The effects of the energy didn't harm him much with the suit he wore, but he was more concerned with what was on the ground.

As he walked the last few feet where the wormhole use to be, he looked over what was spat out. For certain it was a living person, an alien by the colour of the hair that was draped over their shoulders, which was a black that could blend into the night. Lotor bent over the body, checking for any injuries that the alien could possibly have. From the way the body came out of the wormhole, it looked to be a unplanned journey.

As he did so, he felt the thick leather that clung to the body. It was made to be worn during battles, to protect the body from most blows from the enemy. Still from what he could see of it, it looked fashionable enough to wear as everyday clothing.

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