Destiny is a Cruel Mistress.

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- Martha -

Martha hadn't brought herself to visit the Battle of Canary Wharf memorial since she had first seen Adeola's name amongst the dead. But after the last couple of month stuck in the past with a human Doctor she needs some familiar comfort and something to take her mind off her swirling thoughts.

So as the Doctor raced around the Tardis console eager to head off she stopped him in his tracks with her request. She thought she imagined the anguish and hurt in his eyes as the next moment he was grinning again, so she dismissed the thought.

The Tardis landed with a gentle thud not the usual rough landing she has grown accustomed to. The Doctor is far more subdued than is normal for him as Martha steps out of the Tardis.

The air is biting cold and night has fallen. It's fitting, Martha thinks briefly as she makes her way to the memorial, arms hugging her shivering frame.

The memorial is a curved wall made of a mostly cream stone with hundreds upon hundreds of names etched into it while flowers ranging in age litter its base. The wall towers over Martha a constant reminder of just how many people had died that fateful day.

Despite having only visited once, Martha easily picks out her cousins name amongst the swarm of others.

"Hey Addie, I know it's been awhile but you always understood me better than either Tish or Leo and I really wish you could be hear right now.... I miss you, you always knew what the right thing to say was and I'm... jus-... I'm just so lost right now. I don't recognise the girl I've become. I could really use your guidance right now."

Martha's head dropped to her chest as tears threatened to spill.

"God I miss you, Addie." Martha muttered.

She turned away from the memorial, arms crossed over chest. She started to make her way back to the Tardis, head drooped. She looked back over her shoulder and changed her mind. Instead she sat on a wooden bench a fair distance away facing the wall.

She took a deep breath after a couple of minutes, as she heard footsteps approach.

A woman with dark skin, black hair, jeans and heels laid a bouquet of flowers in front of the wall. She appeared to murmur a couple of words before she walked to the bench not looking up, she didn't seem to see Martha.

"Bloody hell I miss her." The woman says to no one in particular. Her voice is warm but has rough edge to it due to her strong cockney accent.

"Who'd you lose." Martha asks timidly.

The woman's head whips around to face her, her hair gets caught in the breeze. Martha can finally see that the woman was young only about twenty - around Martha's age - but her grey eyes were hardened, by what Martha was unsure.

She turns away her expression solemn as she faces the curved wall of the dead. Martha opened to apologise when she spoke.

"Everyone lost someone in the Battle. Whether it was family, friends are even just neighbours. So many died that day." She paused deep in thought. "Sorry." She quickly tacked on.

Martha waved the apology away and give her a sympathetic smile. The woman took a deep breath, steeling herself.

"I lost two people. My best mate Rose." She smiled sadly. "She was like a sister to me, we were both only childs, we only really had each other. And of course Auntie Jacks, Rose's mother. God I loved that woman, she didn't hide anything, she always told you what she thought no matter what. I could count on them both to always be there.... Until one day, they weren't."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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