The new girl.

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"Ichigoooo, Good morning." Orihime yelled happily.

"Ahh, Its you Orihime, Good Morning" He said back.

"Kurosaki." Uryu said with caution.

"Uryu." Ichigo replied back intensely.

"Good morning Ichigo" Rukia said with a smile on her face.

They all stood up beside the classroom windows while waiting for the teacher. Ichigo and Rukia kept looking out the window.

"Don't worry. I know what you are thinking. The new girl isn't of any threat." Rukia said.

"I am not worried. I couldn't care less. I would beat her sorry ass any day if she was." Ichigo warned.

Rukia laughed and smiled to herself. Orihime and Uryu looked at each other worried. Rukia and Orihime went and at down in their seats laughing with each other. Uryu shuffled away from Ichigo and sat down. Uryu and Ichigo still had some problem against each other. Uryu was a Quincy after all so Soul reapers like Ichigo and Rukia are his enemies. He had learnt to accept them though. Just Ichigo gets on his nerves sometimes. The teacher soon came into the classroom followed by a girl. The teacher was quite tall with Bleach blonde almost white hair curled down to her waist. Followed by dark brown eyes, She was usually seen in a White chiffon shirt with blue skinny jeans and white flat shoes. The girl following her was just up to the teacher shoulders, She had jet black hair down her to her waist with a full side fringe covering at least 3/4 of her face. She has crystal blue eyes. She had lip piercings and stretched ears. She had Back-combed her hair a little at the top. She was wearing two identical black chokers, Standard school uniform; gray skirt, White shirt, Gray blazer and a red bow for girls. The girl wore her white shirt done up until the last button, She didn't wear the bow. Usually. She wore a gray waist coat, undone. She wore the gray skirt, with a studded belt followed by black shredded tights underneath her skirt which was followed by Black leather heeled boots. She was defiantly different from the other girls at the school. It was clear that this girl did not follow the rules of wearing indoor flat shoes. But she was still wearing somewhat of the school uniform. 

"Students, This is Katana. She will be your new class mate." The teacher said happily.

Katana moved her fringe from her face revealing her crystal blue eyes surrounded by thick black eyeliner.

"Hey. I am Katana, Uh.. Nice you meet y-" Katana said.

She was stopped when her eyes fell onto Ichigo. Katana was shocked. She had never seen anybody with as bright orange hair as Ichigo. She knew something was strange about him. She could sense it. Ichigo had long Orange hair, Brown eyes and a frown he always wore on his face. He wore a black shirt underneath his white school shirt which was buttoned up to collar. He didn't wear the tie. He wore a blue belt on his gray trousers and black shoes. Ichigo was quite tall, He has quite a muscly build to his body. 

Orihime got up and walked up to Katana. 

"Hey Katana! I'm Orihime Inoue. Come sit next to me!!" Orihime smiled.

Katana nodded and followed Orihime. They sat down a few seats behind Ichigo. Ichigo turned around to Rukia. Rukia shrugged her shoulders.

"Thank you Miss Inoue!" The teacher exclaimed.

"psst, Katana. I love your style. Its cute." Orihime said.

"Uh. Thanks, Hey, cute hair pins. Where ya get them?" Katana asked.

"M-my brother, Before he died. H-he gave me them." Orihime struggled to say.

"I'm sorry." Katana apologized.

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