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Trigger Warning: Swearing (Do I need to warn you anymore?), mild description of violence

Virgil's Pov

I walk out into the kitchen, smilingly giddily to myself. I fill up a glass of water in an attempt to compose myself before returning. My mind wanders over what happened yesterday. Roman actually kinda cares about me... Maybe I misjudged him... He was still a dick most of the time but other than that, maybe he's more than the self-centred egoist I thought he was.

I pull out my phone, walking back into the common room with my water (I swear I heard two proud squeaks). I sit back down next to Princey, having given up on trying to hide my smiling.

"You never did tell us what you did yesterday?" Patton asked once I'd settled in

"We just kinda talked I guess, cleared the air?" I held back the urge to lean back against his shoulder

"Have I ever told you how proud I am of the both of you?!" Patton cried (I'm not exaggerating, he cried)

"Don't worry, we know" I smiled, walking warily over to wrap my arms around him.

"I love you guys so much! I have the bestest son!" He hiccuped, hugging back.

"The feeling is reciprocated" Logan smiled, watching the moment from the side

"What the nerd said" Roman chuckled, no malice in his voice

"I love of you too... Dad"


I begin on my way back to my room, a giddy feeling rising in my stomach, the tiny smile on my face unrecognisable.

"Don't forget about filming Anx!" Roman called before walking of into his room. I really appreciate how he's kept my real name a secret. It's nothing personal against the others really. I just don't really feel that normal using Virgil. It's a really personal name and I guess Princey has finally broken down that wall.

I pull out my phone, using my shoulder to open my door as I scroll through twitter. I look around the empty room, surprised that Dyllon isn't here. As a matter of fact, I haven't seen him in two days?

I push the thought aside, pegging it to- well- anxiety while flopping down onto my comforter. I stay in my 'very healthy' 'not spine cracking' position until my phone goes dark. Suspicious but not too crazy. I go over to flick the light on so I can search for my charger when I feel a hand on mine.

The hand is warm and shaking but their grip is strong. They guide my hand away from the light, covering my mouth with a dull 'shhh'. As if in slow motion I feel the anxiety seeping in, through the cracks under my door and the spaces behind my furniture.

The world feels slow, lethargic almost. I try to scream but with my tightening throat and covered mouth, I make no sound.

Just as suddenly as the world slowed down, it sped back up again. The 'thing' slammed my head down on the desk, it's hand still over my mouth to cover my cries. It pushes me across the room in a heartbeat before pounding after me like a predator stalking its pray.

You'd think that I would take this oppertunity to scream and/or run away but I can't, every muscle and every joint feels rusty and my voice feels horse and scratchy. Whatever this thing is knows this. They know me. They know I'm a coward.

I feel that all familiar hand clench around my throat, lifting me off the ground with such sudden force I see stars. With one final shove it pushes me into the wardrobe and with either the force of the push or some third party, the bookshelf falls and my world goes black.


I wake up in a dark room, maybe my own? I try to struggle but my hands and legs are bound with rope and I have tape covering my mouth. The scene looks like its been plucked straight out of a movie.

I hear a creak to my left, my eyes dashing to see nothing there.

Another creak, this time to my right but yet again, nothing.

I feel the tape being ripped off my face, I can barely hold in a scream.

"You can't do it"

"What! Who the hell is that! Get the hell away from me you freak!" I scream, struggling more.

"Don't try anything, don't make this any harder than it has to be"

"What are you gonna do to me..." I ask, my voice barely above a whisper

"I'm going, to be honest. Tell you the truth and nothing but the truth" The voice growls

"I'm going to break you till there is nothing left to be salvaged..."

I shivered as the creature whispered against my neck.

"And then we'll see where you are!"

And that's all I remember.

(What do you mean this chapters over 3 weeks late? Schedule? I don't know her. But seriously, sorry this took so long so I'll save you the excuses. Have a happy thanksgiving to my American brethren!)

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