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I get up and turn down my music a little bit so we can hear each other better.

"So can I sleep over tonight?" Daniel asks

"Of course, you can sleep over whenever you want," I reply

Daniel goes back over to my laptop and puts on a song

and starts dancing in the middle of my room. I laugh my ass off it's so funny. Daniel grabs my hand and makes me dance with him. Then it changed to a slow song for some reason and Daniel tries to get me to slow dance with him.

"No," I sat while laughing as I lay down on my bed. Daniel lays next to me and after minute of silence he turns and looks at me, I look back at him

"What?" I question

"Nothing," He replies

"Um ok, do you want to watch a movie?" I ask

"Yea sure,"

I get up and hook my laptop up to my tv and then take my laptop and sit in the bed and Daniel and I pick out a movie. We settle on Billy Madison, the one with Adam Sandler. During the movie, Daniel and I laughed our asses off it was so funny. After the movie, it was about 11:57.

"We should cook here tonight so let's go to the grocery store to buy stuff to cook,' I say

"Ok I'll get an Uber," He says while pulling out his phone.

"Daniel, we don't need one, remember I have a car," I say while laughing

"Oh right,"

Daniel and I get our shoes on and I grab my keys. We head downstairs and get into my car. I drive to the store and we get there in about 7 minutes. Daniel and I head in there and get a couple things. I mostly let him pick out what he wants since he's my guest and I'm supposed to be polite. After we get the food we go to Mcdonalds to get chicken nuggets and fries because we both love them. Then we also went to Starbucks because I haven't had it for a while and Daniel likes it. I got a large caramel frappuccino and Daniel got some blended coffee shit I don't even know what it was. After that, we went home and ate. It was only 2 so we had plenty of time until we had to start cooking.

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