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After we eat I lay in bed with Daniel and I try to go to sleep but I can't.

"I gotta leave early cuz I gotta record some music today but I'll see you soon, I promise," Daniel says

"Bye," I say

He kisses me then grabs his stuff and leaves. I fall asleep after he leaves. I wake up at about 11 am. My phone dings right as I take a sip of water that was next to my bed. I check it


I know you're alone today and I'm not recording today so do you wanna hang out?


Sure do you wanna come over here?


Yea sure


Ok I'll come pick you up, I'll be there in 20 minutes.


Ok I'll be ready

I quickly put Daniel's sweatshirt back on and go out in that and sweatpants. I didn't feel like getting ready because it's only Jonah. I grab my keys and get in my car. I get to the boys' house and I walk in because I'm allowed to. Jonah sees me

"Daniel!" He yells "Sorry, he wanted to see you before we leave,"

Daniel runs down the hallway and hugs me and kisses my cheek.

"Did you end up falling asleep?" Daniel asks

"Yea, thankfully," I reply "We gotta go so bye Daniel," 

Daniel kisses me and Jonah widens his eyes but doesn't say anything.

Once we get into the car Jonah speaks up

"So you two are a thing now?" He asks

"Yea, as of last night," I say

"Congrats," He says

"Thanks," I say as I start to drive off "Do you want to get lunch?"

"Yea, I'm starving," He replies

"Where do you wanna go," I ask

"How about Panera?" he says

"I'm fine with that, I love Panera,"

I drive to Panera and we get food and eat it in the car then drive back to my house.

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