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Ganz POV () means in head

"Adraine! Asrielon! (my OCs Adriane looks like if grilby where black with a red outline and you couldn't tell they had clothes on, plus is a girl. Asrielon is "the absolute god of hyper death " and Asriel Dreemer's older brother. ) Hurry up!" (I open a portal to I don't know where. They hop through as I take a last look at my little brother. I'll find a way to make you better and kill everyone that decided to hurt you ever. He charges me and I throw my bag through the portal. I close it and run into the woods to keep him from knowing there are other AU's. As soon as I lost him, I reopen the portal.) 

"Ganz get up! You need to get up!" (It sounded as though Void (for less confusion everyone has nicknames.) was screaming in my ear. I woke up but I couldn't see anything but the white room, the cage bars, and some black shadow dog thing.)

"You're finally awake. That's good. My name's ??? If you can't understand that that's good. I don't feel like being called by name. You can call me Master or Dad your choice."

 "The fuck you want!" 

"You might want to hold your tongue I control the amount of pain you feel. If you're nice, I'll make that pain absolutely nothing.  You will have four brothers. Your number is 377890X44X2 but I'll call you your chosen name for shortness. Ganz."

"Who are these brothers you speak of Master." (I speak in the nicest voice I can muster and simply try to be nice because I was curious.)

(Cliffhangers are da best when interesting things are happening right!?)

Finding a Home (Ganz X Sensy)  (completed) Where stories live. Discover now