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She had a galaxy in her mind,
Stars behind each thought.
Drawing people to her heart
She was a brand new solar system,
Unlike the ones we've seen before
Her constellations continuously changing,
No one able to memorize her patterns.
People thought the one thing for them to do
Is to bring her down to their size
Shrinking the universe within her,
Told her what she was doing is wrong...
That life needed to be smaller if she wanted to belong.
And that's all she wanted,
To belong.
As they shrunk the world around her,
Her stars began to feel cold.
Her life became too heavy for her once strong hands to hold.
You may be wondering how it happened.
How her unique universe suddenly changed
Well it all makes sense
Life becomes much heavier when it is condensed.

Authors note:
Don't change for anyone or anything. "An original is worth more than a copy." 
Be you, the best version of you that you can be.

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