Sorry 😫

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I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update gems but please understand I have a lot of family problems right now , school, scouts and just a lot that I shouldn't and can't explain right now but thank you guys for being patient with me and alittle announcement. While I am also still doing this story and writing it on rough draft for chapters I am also working on two other stories of my own and they are my own characters plot lines and everything so it will take me awhile , I don't know how long so please don't badger me about it and I won't do those stories on watpad until they are COMPLETELY FINISHED! I promise that way I can post a chapter for them every once and awhile when they are done . I promise my gems that I will update as soon as possible for me and I'm going to try to balance my schedule for my life and wattpadand find away to combine them . But until then keep on shining my lil gems

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