Chapter 2

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Y/N's PoV:

"A killing game?!"I yelled at the rainbow bears in front of us all.

"Yes! A killing game!"Monotaro exclaimed.

At that moment, I felt like everything was crumbling around me. I took a few steps back, shaking my head.

"No....this can't be real...."I whispered.

"Oh but it is!"Said Monophanie.

I couldn't breathe. It felt like I was dying.

"Y/N calm down-"

"I can't! Nonono!"I cried, collapsing to the floor.

I was filled with despair. Everything was going dark. I felt a hand pressed on my shoulder.

"We're all in this together, Y/N! We'll get out of here!"

Kaede? At this point I couldn't tell. Everything was a blur. I felt myself being pulled into a hug and after that, I passed out.



I woke up in a soft bed. Was it all a dream? I opened my eyes, slowly looking around.

"You're up."A voice said.

I moved my head to see Amami sitting in a chair beside the bed. He looked tired.

"Amami....?"I mumbled.

"You passed out earlier. I don't have your room key, so I brought you to mine."He yawned.

It wasn't a dream. Despair started to fill my mind again after recalling what happened earlier. I got out of Amami's bed.

"You must be tired. I'm sorry I troubled you...."I mumbled.

"Don't worry about it, Y/N. Your key is in your right pocket. We're neighbors, so it won't be hard to find your room."He yawned.

"....Thanks...."I whispered.

I walked out, shutting his door. I entered my room, locking the door behind me. I threw my key at my room's mirror, smashing it instantly. I got into bed, hiding under the blankets. I slept through the night.

Ding Ding Ding

My doorbell rang a few times, but I just ignored it. I could hear a muffled voice from outside.

"Y/N? You in there?"Amami asked.

I slowly got up and went to the door.

"Hey."I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"Everyone's meeting in the dining hall, if you wanted to go."He said.

"I didn't know we had one. Are you going?"

Amami thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"I have some stuff to do so...."He said rubbing his neck.

"Can I come?"I asked.

"Uh....I guess so? Hey what happened to your mirror?"

"I smashed it."I shrugged.

I noticed a slight blush dusted across his face. I looked at him confused.

"Are you feeling alright, Amami?"

"Yeah, you should probably put on some pants though..."He mumbled

My face went red

"I-I'll be out in a second!"I said, closing the door.

I grabbed my key from the glass shards, put on my uniform and opened the door.

"S-Sorry about that."I said embarrass.

"Don't worry about it"He answered.

I gave him a small smile. We started walking out of the dormatory.

"I never asked, but...where are we going?" I asked.

"Exploring."He shrugged.

I followed as we walked in comfortable silence. We looked around the school, getting to know the place a bit better. We entered the video room.

"I didn't know this place had a video room...."I whispered, looking through the films.

I came across one particular movie.


I blushed, hiding it on the very bottom shelf.

"Y/N? What is it?"Amami asked.

"Nothing!"I quickly answered.

He shrugged it off and kept searching. I saw him standing by a back door. I walked over to him.

"I can't get this open, can you give it a try?"He asked.

I nodded, pushing the sliding door as hard as I could. It moved about an inch, but that was as far as it would go.

"Sorry, that's the best I could do."I said.

He looked through the door.

"Hm...It's too dark to see."He sighed, pulling away.

We had searched the entire room, so we left.

"What are you two doin' down here by yourselves?"

"Ah...Kaito Momota, right?"I asked.

He had a look of pride on his face.

"Hell yeah, That's me! Now what's goin' on?"He questioned.

"Exploring"Said Amami.

My body was tense. He was there when Kokichi revealed my secret.....That stupid grape I swear-

"Y/N? Kaito left. You alright?"Amami asked.

I gritted my teeth"Fine."



Kaede had called us all together for some odd reason. I had decided not to go, but Amami convinced me to come.

"So why are we here exactly?"

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