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An update after too many years... Sorry for all the time that has passed on by. The story is about to get a lot more interesting... Happy Valentine's Day!

f r e n c h
k i s s e s

Ever since I was a little girl I've yearned for that fairytale love affair with the flowers out of the blue and the constant I love you's. I've always looked for that everlasting love that doesn't change through the ups and downs. It's the type of love you can only hope to dream about.

To be questioning my love life on Valentine's Day in the city of love was that last thing I expected to do. As I stood at the airport arrival gate, I couldn't help but be nervous. In a few short moments, Zac and I would be reunited for the first time in what felt like a century.

Would we pick things up where they left off? Would we fall back into that fairytale love?

I stood anxiously with my eyes fixed on baggage claim. We had planned what this moment would be like months previously and yet it felt so foreign in the present. Love should make you nervous right?

Before I could move onto my next spiral of thoughts, I felt a tap on the shoulder that put a chill through me.

"Hey Lover."

When I turned to my right I saw that face I had first fell in love with. I couldn't help but stop and stare for a moment. He was the first guy I've ever loved and the feelings started to come rushing back. Zac may have aged a smidge since we first met but he still had the same boyish charm I couldn't help but love.

"You still speak English right?" Zac joked, wrapping his arms around me.

I couldn't help but chuckle. Even with a million things on my mind, his humor would always get the best of me.

"More or less," I replied, reciprocating his embrace, "Maybe you can give me some lessons if you have free time."

"I'll see if I can fit you in my schedule. I'm actually here to spend time with my girlfriend and will have to see if that fits into my schedule since I'll be spoiling her rotten 24/7."

With that, he unzipped his backpack and pulled out a beautiful bundle of silk flowers.

"Didn't think it was fair for live flowers to endure an 11 hour flight. Hopefully these everlasting flowers will do for now."

I gave him a big smile and a kiss on the check. "They're perfect."

Reunification could be so sweet. If only that feeling could last forever.

* * *

Zac had a limited number of days in Paris. His work trip certainly put a dent in things, but I was determined to make the most of these days. Even if that meant coming clean about certain aspects.

As much as I should have told Zac about the kiss with Laurent over the phone, I couldn't ever get there. Some things are better discussed in person. Since the call where I nearly told him, we've had only a few more so the secret felt a little more manageable. I couldn't put things off any longer.

From lunch alone, I was reminded that being with him was enough to make my face light up. From his broken French greetings to the goofy pickup lines he liked to begin conversations with, Zac was an expert at putting a smile on my face. With every laugh, I only felt more and more guilt.

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