The Fox Brothers - Episode 1

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"....Jiro! Wake up or you'll be late!"

The older male with black hair along with heterochromia eyes yelled a name that appears to be his younger brother's name. The male has a pair of red and green eyes. He was wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts, along with a white apron. A sound of sizzling bacon and eggs surrounded the area.

"Hnngg..." As if to struggle against gravity, the male called by "Jiro" slowly woke up and opened his eyes, seeing the white ceiling. However, he didn't seem to fully wake up yet. With his still-sleepy eyes, he once again tucked himself into the warm blanket.

Few moments later, footsteps came closer and the door to his room was opened abruptly. Without wasting much time, the blanket that was covering Jiro's sleepy body was taken.

"Wake up, you idiot! Don't waste Ichi-nii's time!"

This time, the one who woke him up was a boy, seemingly younger than Jiro is. He also has a pair of differently colored eyes, albeit blue and green.

"Ugh, shut up, Saburo..." With his warm blanket got taken away, Jiro had no choice but to sit down and properly wake up.  He yawned and looked at the boy that was holding his blanket. He seemed to call him "Saburo".

"Come down and eat your breakfast! I don't want to be here too long!" Saburo immediately left the room, hurriedly downstairs.

Jiro also stood up with his bed hair still standing and messy. He went downstairs as well, towards the restroom to wash his face first. As he looked at the mirror, it revealed his odd eyes as well; a pair of yellow and green eyes and droopy eyes, unlike his brothers.

"Ichi-nii, sorry to make you wait. That idiot just won't wake up." Saburo once again with a softer tone, sat on the chair in the dining room. The man Saburo called by "Ichi-nii" just finished cooking 3 portions of breakfast; simply bacon, eggs, and toasts.

"Morning, Nii-chan..." Jiro said with sleepy eyes as he sat down too.

"Yeah, morning Jiro. Come on and eat you two, or you'll be late."

The two brothers clapped their hands once and then started to eat, while Ichiro cleaned up some of the dishes and prepared their lunch boxes. Saburo, who finished eating faster, immediately went to the bathroom to take the first bath.

"...Nii-chan, you'll be opening the shop again?" Asked Jiro while still eating his toast.

"Of course. We still have to adjust to this life after all. Oh right, don't forget your bus pass and talisman, Jiro." Ichiro answered while giving a short glance to his younger brother.

"Sure, Nii-chan!" Jiro soon took out his charm that was lying on the table and hung it over his neck, making it look similar to a necklace.

A while later, Saburo came out of the bath with a bath towel hanging on his neck. When he appeared, both Ichiro and Jiro looked at the youngest brother.

Who had both the previous non-existent fox's ears and tail.

"I'm done, Ichi-nii."

"Oh, good. Go and prepare yourself, Saburo. Don't forget your charm and bus pass." Said Ichiro, while covering the lunch boxes with cloths. Jiro took his bath towel and went to the bathroom.

That's right. The three brothers are not exactly humans.


H calendar.

Unbeknownst to humans, spirit creatures such as Youkais went to the Human World to co-exist with them. While normal humans mostly do not know or realize about their existence, there are Youkais who assume human appearance in order to disguise themselves and live among the mortals.

These three brothers are as such.

Ichiro Yamada, Jiro Yamada, Saburo Yamada. They are fox youkai who came to Human World quite a while ago in order to live alongside humans. It was Ichiro's idea at first, but Jiro and Saburo decided to tag along.

In order to learn more about humans, Ichiro decided to open up a general shop and become a handyman, while Jiro and Saburo enrolled to schools.

"...Do we really have to do this, Nii-chan?" Jiro asked, while wearing his school uniform and prepared himself in the living room. Jiro had such a somber and complicated face, while looking down. Meanwhile,  Ichiro already in his usual hoodie, and with a light novel on his left hand.

"Now now, Jiro. You said that you want to learn more about humans by going to school yeah?"

"....I did but, I don't see the point of this---"

"Jiro, didn't I say that you can't say "buts" in front of me?" Ichiro looked at Jiro a little bit intense, and the younger brother got a little chill. 

"Ah! S-sorry." Jiro said in response.

Ichiro stayed silent for a few seconds and then he patted Jiro's head. "Everything's gonna be okay! Well, I'm the one who dragged you two to this world so, I will protect you from anything."

Ichiro smiled at his second brother.


".....Ah! Jiro, that's not fair!" Saburo immediately rushed over to the living room after seeing his second brother and first brother are being nice to each other.

Hearing Saburo's complaints, Ichiro simply laughed and patted Saburo's head as well.  "C'mon you two~ Have fun at school today!"

"See you later, Nii-chan!" Still trying to wear his school shoes, Jiro left the simple two floor house in a hurry.

Seeing his second older brother like this, Saburo only sighed. "Well then, see you later, Ichi-nii." Saburo nodded once to Ichiro before going to the same direction as Jiro.

"Yeah, careful you two!" Ichiro said while waving his hand towards his little brothers. When the two went farther, Ichiro returned to the house that felt emptier than before now that his two brothers went to school.

Jiro and Saburo went on the same bus, but they stopped in different bus stops. Jiro stopped first, then Saburo.

Jiro walked a little and then he arrived at a certain high school. Seems to be a normal high school. Judging by how the students looked normal and walked like usual, it would seem that he wasn't late. Jiro walked in, towards his classroom.

".....Boring..." Jiro murmured as he passed corridors and few students along the way. Because of his looks and odd eyes, Jiro quite stood out. As he arrived at his classroom, he sat on his usual place, at the middle of the row.

"..........." He simply looked around the class.


"Alright, time to work." 

Ichiro opened up the steel door, revealing many kinds of stuffs and things to sell, from snacks to simple stationery. While he was cleaning the store, a charm fell out from his pocket. It was a small red bag, with small beans-like objects in it. When that charm fell out, fox ears and tails also came out of the older brother.

"...Maybe I should go visit Jakurai-san later." Said Ichiro, as he took back the charm and continued cleaning.

As such, the days are progressing as usual for these fox brothers.

Except when something will happen...

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