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We rode in Sharpay's car to get to the country club, Lava Springs. She was driving with Ryan next to her and me in the back. Sharpay's pink convertible with her signature on the front of it had the radio singing out as the gates opened after censoring her car. I held Boy in my lap as I brushed my fingers through his recently groomed hair. He was mine for the ride since Sharpay couldn't care for her "baby" while driving. Her white scarf around her head flowed behind her as the wind blew in all of our faces. My tiny bag laid next to me holding my essentials, whenever I travelled this bag will always go with me. And one of those essentials was the bag of chips that I was hiding in there. Every now and then I would slip my hand through and grab a couple of pieces to put in my mouth. And right now was one of those now and thens. I reached for more but met nothing but air. To make sure I looked with my own eyes and sighed as I zipped up my bag finding no reason to keep it open anymore. I wiped my the two fingers that I used on the back of Sharpay's chair as I watched the crumbs fall. Sharpay would flip if she caught me doing this. Especially to her car. "It's Sharpay. Look alive." One of the men in a blue stripped shirt and yellow pants said to the surrounding men with matching outfits.

The car came to a stop before one of the men opened Sharpay's and Ryan's doors and I climbed out, the "one leg over the car then the next leg over the car" type of climbing. And I did it with my bag in my hand and Boy in the other, I'm quite skillful if I must admit. "Miss. Evans, Mr. Evans, Miss. Evans." One of the men said to us as another got the suitcases and bags out of our car. "Looking very sharp this summer." The same man said to Sharpay as she got out of the car. "Welcome back to Lava Springs." He charmingly smiles at my sister as I mentally gagged. All these boys were after her and the way they acted were like fools. She whipped he scarf over her head and placed it onto her chair in the car as she replied with a "Thank you Charles." She turned around to me and held her arms out waiting for me to give her Boy. I sighed and kissed the furry animal goodbye and placed the dog in her hands. I crossed my arms now since I didn't have anything to occupy it anymore. I walked past my sister to my brother and the man in a suit that goes by Mr. Fulton.

"Hi Boy." Sharpay spoke to her pet as she giggled at its barking. "Oh can you find some shade for my car." She said as she walked over to us with Boy right next to her face. "Even if we have to plant a tree." Mr. Fulton responded back to the spoiled girl next to me. "Fulton." Sharpay referred to the man that was in front of us. "And may I say welcome back." He smiled at her, keeping the smile on his face as the looked at the two remaining siblings. She sighed and turned around to face the sun, "It's good to be home." She started to walk into the building as the three of us followed her lead.

I walked behind my brother and Mr. Fulton walked behind me along with the workers that were bringing our bags to our rooms. The sound of the cart full of our bags rolled on the floor. The receptionist voice spoke into the phone as we walked up to her table. Flyers of the annual talent show laid on the table next to the star dazzle award that my sister always won, every year. "Are the flyers ready?" My sister asked before she placed her sunglasses beside the pieces of paper. "Uh, this year, we embossed the flyers for the show." Mr. Fulton walked into front of us to show the papers. He placed the flyer in front of my sister and patted it twice as my brother handed her a pen to sign the sheets. "Oh, I plan to limit member talent auditions to thirty seconds each." Sharpay said to Mr. Fulton as Ryan placed paper on top of paper for her to sign. "Amateur performances are very-" Sharpay's sentence was continued by Mr. Fulton as he responded with a "Draining."

"Hey." I said defensively knowing what the two of them were implying at. "Don't worry dear sister, we weren't talking about you, you have talent in your blood." Sharpay smiled at me as she took a break from writing her signatures to place her hand on top of mine. "Oh! Miss. Evans!" Mr. Fulton started to say to me. "You sing too? What about your clothing designs? You know we have some big named people coming here to look at your designs." He spoke to me in that tone that he always has. "Yeah, I sang in the winter musical at our school. And yes I'm still working on my clothing designs. I have a whole bunch of them in one of my bags. But you mentioned that big named people  were here to look at my designs. Who are these people?" I responded back to all of his questions looking him straight in the eyes. Something I don't usually do. "How about someone that goes by the name Estella Willis?" My two siblings and I gasped at what Mr. Fulton said. When I was younger and now, Estella was a clothing designer that I look up to. And to hear that she was going to look at my clothes was absolutely amazing. "She says that if she likes the clothes she'll invest some money into creating that company that you always wanted." The older man spoke to me as I was still in shock that my idol would come and see me.

"Anyways," My sister said to bring the conversation back to the tallest show, "and should I-" my brother cleared his throat to remind my sister that he was there too, "we be so fortunate as to win the star dazzle award, again." She grabbed the trophy and walked to the trophy case threat we had for all of the talent shows at the Lava Springs. All four of us passed by a picture of the five Evans picture on the wall before my sister asked, "But where would we put it?" She glanced at the shelf that held numerous star trophies. "We're planning on expanding the trophy case. The designs are in my office." Mr. Fulton reassured Sharpay before she would freak out. The girl sighed at handed Mr. Fulton the trophy, then he handed it to my brother. Ryan always wanted to win the award but was always hidden behind my sister's shadow. "Fulton you're so efficient." Sharpay complimented the man before that walked off. Leaving my brother by himself and me to go to my room.

+    +    +    +

I swiped my key card against the censor of of the door that read the numbers 637. I always told my parents that they could get me a room like any other room that someone would get if they stayed there. They always insisted that I would get a bigger room or a higher quality of a room but I shut down those ideas. I pushed the door handle down and pushed the door forward. I put the key card on the closest counter in the room and screamed as I saw someone in my room right in front of me.

"Surprise?" The blonde girl said to me as she held her hands out like she was doing jazz hands. The sound of the door shutting came right after the words came out of my blonde best friend. "Cassandra?" I said looking at her like she wasn't real. "In the flesh." She responded, the corner of my mouth slightly turned up as I engulfed my long lost friend in the tightest hug that I've ever given. "Cassandra!" I repeated her same with a more sure tone and she responded with a shout of my name too.

We both lied on the bed with our shoes off and constant chatter between us. "I thought that you left Albuquerque forever." I said to the girl in front of me. "Can't get rid of me that easily." She responded with a smirk on her face. I rolled my eyes at her and asked for a real response. "Well I wanted to say goodbye to my best friend in the whole wide world before we're off to senior year and in college. And you know how my parents are always touched by strong friendships and emotional feelings, this convinced them for us to come. But really the only reason was because I heard the boys have sprung and I had to check it out for myself." Cassandra whispered the last part to me before I slapped her arm to yell at her that she actually didn't care about me and how I didn't care about her either. That was the friendship between us. We'd say rude stuff to each other but we still sticked together. It was cool.

"So, tell me, got any juicy gossip from these lonely and sad three year without me?" Cassandra cockily said as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Oh my gosh you know I do. But this past year had drama after drama, literally." I widen my eyes to emphasize the amount of drama that happened the past year. "Yes, you go girl. Tell me all the drama."

+     +    +    +

a u t h o r ' s   n o t e

hello beautiful readers, this
is the official second chapter
of lies. i hope that you all enjoyed
and i'm sincerely sorry that
these updates are so late.
i will try to make these
updates more frequent but it's
just school and all that
stuff is blah.

i encourage you to please stay
and keep this book in your
library or something like that
because trust me there will be
more to come. i have not given
up on this book i just need you
guys to believe me that i will
continue. i understand how
annoying it is for a story to
not be updated in like a very
long time but please please
please please stay and
don't lose hope.

and i was just looking
through wattpad and when
i searched "troy bolton"
different was the first
book that popped up and
thank you guys so much
for that. you have no idea
how much this means to me
just oh my gosh.

thank you all so
much. love you lots.

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