author's note

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you all have been wanting me to update, and i'm sorry that I haven't been, so here is an explanation. basically, i guess that i've lost interest in writing this. coming up with ideas has been tough especially with wanting to include gabriella. and hsm2 has been taken off of netflix and because of that i really just lost a quick site for me to get things from the movie to put into the book. also a major reason for not updating is school. school is very important to me and it's really my main priority nowadays. i really want to continue this book but it's hard to and i don't really know if i will. i might pop up with a new chapter but the chances are low. however there are other ideas that i've been thinking of pursuing that include hsm so i guess stay tuned for that. and yeah, that's it.

thank you all for everything, from voting, commenting, and to reading different and lies. you all have made this experience wonderful and i wouldn't have it any other way. i'm sorry that things are like this and hopefully this isn't the end.

lots of love

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