Red Wolf & Black Falcon

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Chapter 1        The Way of The Wolf

         Lone wolves won't survive long in the wilderness, nothing lives completly relying on oneself.                    One needs help from others. But what, one may wonder, kind of help does a wolf need                and why? Whom does a wolf rely on, and what does that wolf need to survive?  Wolves have thick fur so they can withstand the coldness of winter. Wolves have teeth so they can tear flesh, wolves have good ears and a great sense of smell so they can find prey. Wolves have substantial strength so they can take down enemies. What else would they need? Can't they make it alone? Wolves don't need a thing more they can survive. But I can't shake the feeling that that doesn't sound quite right. Ah, however you see wolves can't make the journey of life alone. And so they rely on others. The pup relies on its mothers milk to grow.  The wolf needs the flesh of its prey for strength   A pack for protection, and with packmates their strength increases, a leader for guidance, the alpha for peace and control, the company of packmates so that wolves will keep their sanity, the wolve needs the richness of the earth, the warmth of it's packmates, the flesh of it's prey, wisdom of their leader, compassion, love, mentoring, courage,nobility, certainty, faith, and most valued amongst wolves LOYALTY. This is what mkes a wolve pack this is what makes a wolf. 

A young shewolf with fur as white as the snow that illuminated in the full moonlight padded towards a high rock that stood high over the desert of snow. Her eyes were like blue crystal balls that shimmered in the moonlight. Her fur was long and well groomed she was a very beautiful shewolf that charmed the hearts of many male wolves, and earned the admiration of shewolves. She sat gracefully on the edge of the high rock looking into the desert of snow that seemed to stretch infinatley. Only lifeless trees stood out from the snowy covering. A fiery red young wolf with bright amber eyes padded over to her. His fur was wildly neat, he had tall muscular legs with broad shoulders. The muscles of his legs rippled through his fur with each step. He was slightly scarred which shown he had a few battles. The shewolf waved her tail invitingly. "Crystal!" He whined Crystal padded swiftly toward him "Pheonix! Oh I thought I thought I wasn't going to see you tonight!" Crystal licked Pheonix's cheek passionately as they rubbed their muzzles together. Pheonix met Crystal's gaze, "You know I'd run mile and miles across the whole land to see you once again.I love you." Crystal rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you too Pheonix, thats why I have to tell you something." "What is it?" Crystal smiled brightly "I'm expecting pups!" Pheonix howled thrilled to hear he would become a father. "Thats wonderful! Oh! We should think of names!" Pheonix's excitement was drowned by a pang of sadness and his tail dropped. He curled his lip to a snarl. Crystal nosed him "whats the matter aren't you excited?" "Oh course love, but I'm not apart of your pack. I am a rival wolf. Your alpha will kill me or drive me out. I'll never see my pups grow up." Crystal couldn't help but feel sorry for Pheonix. She met his gaze once again. "Hunter is an old alpha wolf he will be generous once he finds out your fathering my pups." Or angrier, and he'll really want to kill me. Pheonix thought I have a right to see my pups and I will fight him for it.  "Of course he wouldn't mind I was only apart of a rival pack a second ago." Pheonix sneered. "Pheonix, Im serious Hunter isn't that heartless. Besides new pups is just what the pack needs. That would be your offering to join are pack." I'm not offering my pups to a smug heartless bastard like Hunter. Pheonix sat uneasily next to Crystal. Then something made his fur stand on end. Hunter! "I should go!" Pheonix waved his tail anxiously. "Wait! This could be your chance!" Crystal whined Chance? Ha, yeah! Chance to die!  Pheonix padded up and shouldered Crystal. He couldn't help but curl his lip. "Look I'd love to try but I don't think know is such an opportune time. It's the middle of winter everyone is hungry and angry-" "Pheonix I won't let him attack you ! I will shield you! He won't attack me."  I don't need protection, I just want to avoid bloodshed. "Crystal-" Pheonix was cut off by an angry snarl. It was Hunter and a few pack mates behind him. Hunter was a grey battle scarred wolf with broad shoulders and short tail that appeared to have been bitten off.  His eyes were like dark amber discs  flashed between Crystal and Pheonix and rested on Pheonix. Without taking his sight off Pheonix he snarled at Crystal "Crystal what is the meaning of this? Step away from him I'll rid him once and for all!" Crystal rounded in front of Pheonix. "Don't touch him!" Crystal get out the way I don't need you to defend me! Hunter looked at two muscular dark pelted wolves behind him. Both wolves' fur was matted and heavily scarred. "Get her out the way!" He ordered. The wolves rounded her and pressed her away from Pheonix. "Pheonix! Help me!" Crystal whinned. The wolves forcefully pushed her back. Pheonix snarled unable to bear watching them roughfully push her. "Hey, easy she's a shewolf!" One of the dark pelted wolves looked back at him. "Shut up outsider! We are going to handle you! When Hunter brings you down well be there to finish you off!" He sneered. "She's my mate and I'll kill who ever threatens to harm her!" Hunter's ears perked in suprise His eyes widened. But his shock only lasted for a second and was consumed by anger. The dark pelted wolf haulted " After we're done with you Im going to take good care of your bitch. You wont have to worry about her anymore, I'll treat her real good!" He laughed coldly Crystal felt cheers in her spine. Before Pheonix could lash at him Hunter growled at the dark pelted wolf. "Night, I'd watch how I talk about my packmates especially in front of his Alpha!" Night flinched. Hunter glared at Crystal. "Is this true? Is he really...your mate?" Crystal dipped her head "Yes, this is true. I..I..I am expecting his pups." Night and the other wolves stared at her in disgust, all except Hunter. For a second it appeared as if he might even care for the young couple. But it didn't last long. "You bastard! I'll kill you for mating with one of my pack females!" Hunter launched himself at Pheonix. "Pheonix!" Crystal screeched. Hunter tore at Pheonix's shoulder aiming for his throat but Pheonix slammed his weight into Hunter causing him to stagger backwards. Hunter quickly regained balance and launched himself back at Pheonix. Hunter stood up right quickly getting ready to dive for a kill blow to the neck. Pheonix watched Hunter, it was as if his movements had slowed. Suddenly Pheonix didn't feel the throbbing pain of the bite mark on his shoulder. Pheonix swiflty stood upright matching Hunter's stance. Hunter;s claws stabbed into Pheonix's shoulder. For a second Pheonix felt a sharp jab in his shoulders and he gripped his claws into Hunter's shoulders. Squaring each otheer up in an upright stance they each try to aim for each other's throat. Pheonix could feel and hear the clamping of Hunter's jaws near his neck. Finally Hunter got a grip and used his weight to slam Pheonix down. Hunter bit down hard on Pheonix's neck and he felt the blood oozing out from his neck blending almost completly with his red coat. The dark pelted wolves waited anxiously to pounce and finish off the loser. Damn my vision is fading, I..Im going to die "Pheonix!" Crystal cried "Stop your killing him!" Crystal flashed into Pheonix's mind. I'm sorry Crystal, damn I really wanted to see our pups. I guess this is my punishment for breaking the code. Pheonix's body went limp in Hunter's crushing jaws. Blood ran from Pheonix's torn neck. Atleast the pain is gone... Pheonix thought. "Pheonix no, don't leave me here! What about are pups! Pheonix!" Hunter lifted his head and howled "Okay boys, finish him off!" Crystal yowled "Please Hunter have mercy!"  Hunter huffed, and leaned over Pheonix's motionless body. "Your going to die here Pheonix." He whispered. Pheonix rapidly jerked up and crunched down hard on Hunter's throat. No! You will die here Hunter! Hunter's neck snapped and crackled and blood gushed and sprayed form his throat. Blood drenched Pheonix's and Hunter's coat. Hunter fell limp. There was no need for the wolves to finish him off, for he was already dead. The wolves stood witness of Hunter's defeat, stared at his lifeless body. Pheonix staggered forward. Crystal ran to his side to lend him support. With the last bit of energy he had left he howled "I am the alpha of this pack now!" The wolves joined his howl "PACK MASTER! PACK MASTER!" Pheonix glance back at Huneter's body and saw what seemed to be a ghostly outline of him standing next to it. The wind whistled in his ears, Please Pheonix, take care of my pack! "I will" Pheonix whispered back. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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