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I reach into The Mist and grasp a hold of the moving picture of a black-haired boy. The scene paints the darkness around me in the colors of Autumn. I sigh in relief when I see him not far from where I reformed. I walked up to him and brushed my shoulder against his. I swear he flinched when I touched him but when he didn't react, the reality of the situation hit me like a tonne of bricks. He couldn't see me. And he never will. I pulled out of the scene and collapsed in front of my bed and let the tears fall. I couldn't believe that I thought that this time I could get him to notice me. I can't believe how naïve I was, that he would see me and we could go back to the way things were before all this, this.... I was an idiot and just let the tears fall. 

 I jolted awake and almost fell out of my bed. I had that same dream again. The one with me in The Mist and that black-haired boy. I still don't know who he and why he is important. I also want to know why I always end up crying in the end. And what I was so afraid of when he didn't react. It was all a great big mystery. I sighed and walked out my bedroom the bathroom.

20 minutes later, I emerge from my kitchen, still, a bit dazed from this morning. As I walked through the streets of Vancouver, I caught myself observing every black-haired boy that I pass. I scold myself, almost having a panic attack in the middle of the road. Stop it, Andromeda, you are starting to make a scene. 

Even after I walk into West Point Grey Academy (A/N An actual school in Vancouver! XD), I still had that chill that someone-or something- was watching me. It really creeped me out but, I shrugged it off, shouldered my backpack and walked into another day of hell.

Hello viewers!! I know I haven't really been around much, but I have been extremely busy (binge-watching Netflix that is). I promise to update soon on The Ice Jewel (I have a chapter waiting, I just have to tweak it a bit).

Question of the Day- Have you watched Stranger Things season 1 and 2? If you have, which do you prefer; Mucas (yes, that their ship name XD) or Mileven? Also, what's your fav episode from sea. 1 and 2? 

P.S: my fav is Mileven and I love Episode 8 of season 1 and Episode 9 of season 2!

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