C H A P T E R 6

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The group consisted of three boys, thankfully of more average height, though still taller than me. I didn't say anything to them, being shy, but Chan Yeol lightly grabbed me by my shoulder and pulled me to stand closer to the other boys to introduce them to me.

"(Y/N), this is Hwan Chul ..." he gestured to the shortest of the boys. He seemed to have slightly golden brown eyes, not that I was looking ... "this is Eun Gyeong ..." his hand glided past a boy that was more on the taller side, but definitely not as tall as Chan Yeol. His mouth seemed to permanently turn down at the corners, regardless of his constant smile. "And finally Gi Hyeon. Make sure not to stand near him for too long, he's a little weird, and he might creep you out." The last boy grinned at Chan Yeol and punched his arm, not so lightly. Gi Hyeon looked extremely friendly. Not that none of the boys I was friends with weren't, just he had a brotherly aura about him.

"Don't worry, I'm not that weird." Gi Hyeon said to me, pink dusting his cheeks, smiling shyly.

"It's completely fine," I said, reassuringly, "aren't we all a little weird?"

He let out a short laugh, then nodded at me. "Yeah, that's true."

I smiled at Gi Hyeon then looked to Chan Yeol, who hadn't been speaking during our small bit of interaction, and saw he was smiling at us with a strange look on his face.

"... what?" I asked him, kind of disturbed.

He attempted to hide his smirk and shook his head at me. "Oh, nothing."

Gi Hyeon shook his head at Chan Yeol, his face flushed red. I still didn't understand, so I decided to ignore the two boys in front of me, and turned to face Hwan Chul and Eun Gyeong.

"So how old are you boys? I just want to know so I can use correct honourifics." I asked, which surprised them.

Eun Gyeong talked first. "I'm eighteen, and Hwan Chul is seventeen."

Chan Yeol and Gi Hyeon heard the discussion, and ultimately joined in.

"Chan Yeol and I are eighteen as well; Hwan Chul is the youngest among us." Gi Hyeon informed me.

I looked at them in mild surprise. "Well I guess you guys are all older than me. I'm only fifteen."

Chan Yeol smiled at me. "Then you can call us all Oppa, considering we're friends now, right?"

"Calm down, you snake ass spider," Eun Gyeong hit Chan Yeol on the back of his head, Chan Yeol wincing. "Maybe she's not that comfortable with us yet. I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't, considering how creepy you have been in the last ten minutes."

I don't know if the boys noticed, but I was laughing through their whole interaction. Not just a small chuckle, but a knee slapping, bent over, extremely loud laugh, which, as anyone would guess, brought attention towards us from numerous people around the room.

I sat on the floor, laughter still fighting its way out, and softly stretched because I had already warmed myself up.

"(Y/N)! Why aren't you warming up with us?" A voice called through the loud chatter of boys having fun whilst preparing themselves for dancing.

I turned and saw Tao, mid-stretch, staring at me expectantly. I felt a little guilty for not telling them, but they didn't even come to get me at the start of warm-up, so the guilt fades quickly.

"I'm branching out. Making new friends," I said playfully. "You should be happy for me."

"Since when?" Yifan shot back.

I put my hand to my chest in mock offence. "I'm offended. Since now."

"Since never. I know you."

"And what is that supposed to mean? Did you just assume I'm- "

"What are you two saying?" Hwan Chul interrupted, slightly surprised, looking between Yifan and myself.

Chanyeol, Eun Gyeong and Gi Hyeon just stare at me.

Gi Hyeon leaned toward me. "I didn't know you could speak English."

I laughed at his perplexed state. "I'm Australian. I thought you would've been able to tell I wasn't Korean."

"Well, I did realise you aren't Korean, I just wasn't expecting you to be English speaking. I thought you might've been from some country where they don't speak English or something, like Canada."

"People speak English in Canada ..."

"Alright! Enough warming up! Let's start the choreography I taught you all the other day." The dance instructor yelled.

Everyone lined up in their rows ready to start; Gi Hyeon following me so he could stand next to me, the second tallest boy in this class stood in his usual spot to my right, and Yixing, Yifan, Luhan and Tao lined up behind me. Luhan kicked my achilles softly as some sort of payback for leaving them. Turning around to face him, I stopped and looked at him for about ten seconds, smiled and blew a kiss, and immediately turned back to the instructor.

If I had lingered a little longer, I would've witnessed Luhan turning bright red.

The music began very suddenly, much to our surprise, and we all waited eight beats until we started dancing.

A/N: YEET I don't really know what to say, so don't forget to Comment, Favourite and Share with a friend! :)

Happy Reading <3


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