C H A P T E R 2

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I woke to the ear splitting sound of my alarm clock at 5am.

To keep myself awake, I slapped myself across my left cheek, but that only really resulted in me being really pissed at everything in my way. I crawl out of bed, feeling sticky, and stumble into the shower mumbling curses to myself. I got changed into some tennis shorts and a loose white t shirt with a black sports bra. I didn't really give a damn about what I wore anymore, and the girls don't care.

I quickly tied my (H/L) hair back as I ran out the door at 5:35am and threw myself into my car, started the engine, and drove off to the SM Ent. trainee dance rooms. There were already a few girls in the room stretching and chatting to their friends around them, so I walk to my usual place and stretch as well. About twenty – five minutes pass without me even noticing, and my normal instructor walked into the room, followed by an official looking man. He and my instructor looked to be deep in conversation, but seemed to end when my instructor nodded his head and looked directly at me, staring intensely. His face was blank of all emotions.

When he looked away, he addressed all of the girls in the room.

"Okay, everyone," his voice showing more enthusiasm than the usual. "Since you're all ready, how about we run through the choreo ..."

There were some hums of acknowledgement as we all lined up in our positions. My instructor paced around us as we danced, as well as the other man, but he only really was watching me.

Feeling nervous, I tried to loosen my joints up a bit, and succeeded at keeping my balance. I started to feel self-conscious, knowing that all of the other girls danced as if they were an idol in a girl group, dancing up to those standards. I always danced like a guy in a guy's group. There was nothing really girly about me.

Finishing up the dance routine, I stayed in my position until instructed otherwise, unlike some who held it halfheartedly. The official looking man approached me.

"You're the one who has been mentioned to me ...?" The man asked. It almost didn't sound like he was looking for an answer.

"Um ..." I don't really know what to say to that.

"Yes." A voice from behind me. My instructor, who had gotten the girls to dance the routine again. "Great dancer, isn't she? Not like the other girls."

I freeze. I have no idea what my instructor has told this man, and no real idea why I have been talked about.

"Let's take this outside, shall we?" The man said to me and my instructor.

Confused, I just stood there, my feet planted. I only started moving when my instructor placed his hand on my upper back and pushed me forward. When the door was closed slightly, the sharp looking man turned on me with a serious expression on his face.

"Hello," he addressed me. "I am Kim Young Min, the CEO of SM Entertainment. I have been informed by a reliable source," he nods to my instructor, the latter bowing his head slightly. Ugh that guy ... "that you, being talented dancer that was beautifully demonstrated in the practice room just now, would not fit well in a classic girl group, as you would in a boy group. At first, when I was notified of this, I thought your instructor had finally lost all of his senses. But he begged that I should see for myself, and doing so, I completely agree."

That was a lot to take in. At first, it was like he was just talking at me rather than to me, and it just blew past my ears. But then it all sank in. Does that mean that I am supposed to debut in a boy group?

"I know it is a lot to process," Young Min stated the obvious. "So as an orientation, sort of, method, we're just going to place you into the boy's practice room for now. This is just so you get a feel of what it will be like."

Panic took over my body. "W– What?"

"If any of the boys give you grief, come to me, okay?" My instructor put reassuring hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. There was no hint that he was joking evident in his facial features, and I nodded.

Young Min clapped his hands once. "Well. If you'll follow me, I'll take you to their practice room ..."

I trailed after Young Min in silence, my head bowed shyly. After a few turns and walks down long hallways lined with rooms with music blaring through the cracks in the door, we reached a room in which I had never entered before. Inside were numerous boys that seemed to range in age; from around my age to a few years older than me.

I hadn't quite stepped through the door, being told not to yet by Young Min while he talked to their instructor for a few seconds. Young Min, when finished talking, opened the door slightly wider so I could see him. He smiled and beckoned for me to enter the room, so I did as I was told.

A/N: Sorry for the slight (boring) cliffhanger, but I needed a place to stop before I got too carried away and put too much on this chapter. I swear the next chapters will be more interesting. I'm sorry :) But please don't forget to Comment, Vote and Share with a friend!

Happy reading XD


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