~Chapter two~

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I woke up and had a pit in my stomach. Probably because I'm crazy nervous to meet my new neighbor. It's not like I'm expecting us to fall in love for anything but I just feel like he's going to think I'm weird and then I'll for sure be eating lunch alone. Being alone has always been a fear of mine. It takes alot to be liked for a new kid. I mean people only like the new kid If they're hot or rich, and that's two things I'm not. Another way to be popular at new school is to hang out with the right people. Even If the Right people are the wrong people. It's better to fit and be left alone then have people bag on you for being who you really are.

I changed Into casual clothes. I was meeting a possibly hot neighbor not Obama, I don't need to dress like I'm attending prom.

I looked in the mirror and made sure I had nothing on my face.

"Okay Kihlany, You can do this. It's just a boy all you gotta do is introduce your self and get him to like you so you don't eat lunch alone"

I gave myself a pep talk so this whole situation wasn't as crazy as I was making it.

I walked outside my house and right over to their house.

I took a deep breath and knocked.

It wasn't long till I heard a male yell "coming!"

I looked around when I heard the door swing open revealing a shirtless boy and a towel around his waist.

"Hey mom- OH MY GOD YOU'RE NOT MY MOM!!" and just like that he slammed the door in my face.


I don't know why he was apologizing the view wasn't bad to be honest. My mom was right about him being cute.

"Umm It's okay, honest mistake I guess" I awkwardly laughed. Damnit Kihlany , there's no time to be awkward when there's a hot guy in there. "I'll be done in a sec" He assured me through the door. I felt so dumb, hes going through all this for what? For me to not eat lunch alone?! Well whatever I was here and If he has to go through all this to see what I want then I better stay.

He swung the door open this time with a t-shirt and sweats.

"Um hi, sorry about that again."

"It's okay" I awkwardly smiled.

"Soo.. Umm.. Can I ask why you're here?" He seemed uncomfortable.

"Oh yeah I forgot I came here for a reason" He laughed at my comment and smiled "Um I'm your new neighbor and my names Kihlany"

"Um hi.. I'm liam" He smiled a really cute smile.

"Im sorry this is awkward, I'm an awkward person.. But my mom suggested I make friends with the neighbors before school."

"Oh.. Well you see I would but I'm not the person you'd want to be seen hanging out with... " he stated lowly looking down.

What does he mean I wouldn't want to be seen with him? Is he a drug addict or something.

"Oh.. I didn't mean to sound like I was going to be with you everyday, I was just saying for tomorrow because I have no idea where everything is there, and I know absolutely nobody there" I tried to sound not so needy so he doesn't think I'm going to cling on to him.

"Its not like that its just you're going to be a new kid so you're already going to be an outcast and I'm not what you would call 'popular' so hanging out with me with bring down the reputation you don't even have yet". He explained and to be honest his explanation kinda made me sad.

I mean the poor guy just told me I shouldn't want to be seen with him because it will make me a bigger outsider then I already will be.

"I don't really care about popularity, to be honest" I answered hoping he'd feel better on showing me around.

"Look, I'm just trying to help you. You seem like one of those girls who'd be miss popular and date a bunch of the jocks and hang out with the cool kids, But if anyone sees you with me you're going to be put through hell"

I was somewhat offended by his description of me. I bet he's just over exaggerating, I mean he's a good looking guy And he has a nice body from what I saw. Did he like rob the bank and now the whole school hates him? Did he set fire to the kid's favorite teacher's room? So many questions are going through my head, but I couldn't just ask because I barely met the guy.

"Fine. I get it, you don't want to show me around. You could have just said that from the beginning without the whole 'My school hates me!' explanation". I walked away like a boss. I wasn't even mad. I have a whole street of neighbors with possible kids from my school that will actually show me around.

And if I don't find somebody I'll just get lost and be late to all my classes. Then I'll get so much detentions that my parents will realize I'm not ready to go to a new school then we'll move back and I'll be reunited with my old life. Okay, maybe that last part was a bit unrealistic.

I walked back to my house only to see my mom smiling big at me. "So, how was it? Wasn't he cute?"

"Yes mom I'll admit he was smoking hot, but he didn't want to show me around".

She looked at me said as I explained everything that happened

~Liam's P.O.V~

its not that I didn't want to show her around, I personally wouldn't mind and I was going to explain that to her but she just walked away. It's just everyone in that school seems to hate me and judge me for everything that I do.

and I'm not over exaggerating like one time when I went to camp the whole football team put my bedroom furniture on my roof, then when I came back they threw pee balloons at me. Fucking pee balloons. I didn't do anything to them. I personally think its because I was in theater last year. I didn't pick it but something happened with my schedule and I couldn't switch out. I got so much shit for it. everyday I'd have somebody ethier call me 'Faggot, Gay, DickLover, Bitch' anything you can think of referring me to being gay. Also another thing I think that brought me down was when I asked the girl I liked and she rejected me about... 22 times... I know that's alot but I really liked her. I got over her though when she went out with the school's "coolest guy". He wasn't/Isn't even cool he's just an asshole and he's the one that makes school no a living hell for me the most.

This isn't something you can just explain to someone you just met. And I wasn't lying when I said she looked like a girl who'd be on top of the school. I don't want to ruin her future popularity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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