Second Guessing

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^^^^For making me that amazing banner on the side! Thanks hon!!! :D

One of my new friends on here demanded to be acknowledged so:  JASON’S AWESOME! ...and a bit of a perv…happy now? :P

James’ POV

I awoke to feel a soft naked body curled up against my side, and a slender arm wrapped around my waist as soft wisps of hair tickled my chin. 

Smiling contentedly I breathed in the clean flowery smell from her shampoo and tightened my hold around her.

Last night had possibly been the best night of my life so far, and I could only hope to be lucky enough to have more of them in the future. Everything about it had been perfect.  The way she sighed when I caressed her and moaned when I did something she liked. The way she fit against me and how she felt when I was inside her.  Just everything… It had never been like that for me.

It had always just been a release with no lasting effects beyond emptiness.

A momentary pleasure that was soon overshadowed by regret… Regret that I couldn’t care less about the person I had done it with, and that was just sad.

Stroking a hand down her smooth back I had to will myself to not wake her up just to have a taste of her all over again.  I didn’t want her to think that was all I wanted out of her.

I wanted everything with her.

I could picture us together years from now with children of our own and even further still with us looking upon our first grandchild and bickering over who got to hold him first.

I wasn’t delusional enough to think she could possibly feel the same way though. Why would she? I had nothing to offer her.

I was just starting out in a profession that paid at best decent money and had a handicapped sister to take care of, and who would eventually live with me.

What girl her age wants to deal with all of that?

If she turned on her heel and ran as soon as she woke up I wouldn’t blame her. I would miss her and hate that she had left, but I could never blame her.

After a few more moments of enjoying her by my side I decided I should get up, shower and run to the store to buy some supplies in case she decided to stay.

Inching my way out of her grasp I heard her whimper in her sleep and stopped, noting that the whimpers stopped after she had cuddled against me again and I couldn’t help the goofy grin that stole over my face.

It was a good sign that she wanted me near her while she slept, right?

Then came the second guessing… Maybe she just enjoyed cuddling in her sleep, or maybe she was just cold and my body heat was keeping her warm. Maybe she well and truly just didn’t give a damn about me and just needed to get laid.

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