How we met

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The light shined within the curtains of Sammy's dark room, he opened his eyes a bit to see the light that nearly blinded him. He closed them and covered his face with the blanket, just as he was about to return to his deep slumber his alarm went off with a loud "BEEEEEP!!!!" "Shit!" Sammy shouted,  as he was frightened by the alarm, he shot up and slammed his fist on the alarm clock nearly breaking it. He laid back down looking at the ceiling for a minute, "why did I set my alarm to Saturday again?" He questioned himself, then it hit him. "OH SHIT!!!!" He shouted, as he jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom he grabbed his toothbrush and jumped into the shower, he showered then brushed his teeth in the shower, when he was finished he ran out and rushed into his room to dry himself off. He went into his drawer and grabbed his underware white long sleeve shirt and black pants, he threw them on along with a purple and black short sleeve hoodie and some white shoes and ran out the front door.

"Crap I can't be late" He said as he ran down the street, a smile appeared on his face as saw a banner saying grand opening , his smile soon fades as he saw a long line of people going into the building "NOOOOOO" He shouted as he dropped to his knees panting heavily from all the running, "No, I can't stop now, I must get in! " He shouted as he ran behind the long line.

Time skip~

"Finally!" He shouted as he ran in, the brown haired boy was amazed at how much games there was then two people shouted "WELCOME TO THE GRAND PIX ARCADE!!!!!!" "Woah" He said as he walked to one of games,  inserted a coin and started playing it. A few hours passed and he was still playing until a group boys came in and they looked really menacing "BRUTAL VICTORY" the game said as it ended, Sammy let out a sigh as he looked over to see the group of boys that entered the room there was one that had dark eyeliner with a faded hair cut, one that looked like he was on the chubby side with blonde hair and tanned skin, one that was 4ft tall and had a crazed look in his eyes and a smile, and then there is him. He has pale skin you could have sworn he was a shadow, he had black hair that was shoulder length and he's  6ft tall and had blue eyes. He looks like he doesn't give two shits if someone got hurt or died. Sammy felt himself staring at him and  looked back at the screen,  his face felt hot and he wasn't enjoying it. The group of boys walked over to where Sammy was and stared at him. "Hey ya little brat, we wanna play this game" the 4ft tall one said as he tried to lean in towards Sammy's ear, but managed as he whispers "so why don't you be a good girl and scram~" at that moment Sammy was pissed, not only that his good day got ruined but this douche thinks he's a chick! "Look man I'm not a push over-" Sammy said between his clenched teeth as he turned around and grabbed the boy by the neck and brought his face close to his own "And I'm sure as hell ain't no WOMAN!!!!!" Sammy shouted as he punched the boy in his face and threw him to the ground. The 6ft boy watched in surprise as one of his men, the crazy one, is getting his ass handed to him by this short little thing. The 6ft tall boy was getting annoyed at this and decided to part the two "Alright Jaleb let it go." The 6ft boy said as he held the 4ft boy by the collar and held Sammy by the hoodie. "Alright that's enough!" The 6ft boy shouted Sammy was surprise a how deep his voice was it kinda turned him on a little. "Jaleb go outside and cool off" the 6ft boy said as he drops Jaleb to the ground, Jaleb got up and dusted off and headed out. "Swiss go keep an eye on Jaleb, please" the 6ft boy said holding the bridge of his nose in frustration. 'So his name is Swiss that's a stupid name' Sammy thought to himself frown on face, the 6ft boy still turning him by the hoodie turned his head he sighed as he gently put Sammy down, Sammy was straightens his clothes and looked back up to the boy. "Look man, I must apologize for the inconvenience Jaleb is a bit coco in the head." The boy said looking down at Sammy with a small smile appeared on his face as he looked down on Sammy "Yea yea I don't care" Sammy said quickly look away from the boys face "ok, well I'm Emanuel" the boy said putting out his hand to Sammy, "Sammy" Sammy said shaking the Emanuels hand. 'Woah his hand is cold' Sammy thought as he nervously smiled at Emanuel, there was an awkward silence between the two until Emanuel broke it "So um I'm gonna go" Emanuel said rubbing  the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah me too." Sammy said while  putting his handsin his pockets, he felt his face get hot again but it was hotter than before. He turned on his heel and walked out the door of the arcade looking over to Jaleb and Swiss, "If I see your face again, I'll make sure that I turn into real woman!!" Jaleb said taking out a pocket knife and pointing it at Sammy, "Don't worry you'll be seeing me at the corner of FUCK YOU AND GO FUCK YOURSELF AVENUE!!!!" Sammy shouted as he stuck his middle finger up at Jaleb who was surprised at this Sammy continued to walk to his house without care.

Time skip~

As Sammy reached home he went straight to his room and plopped down on his bed. 'What was with me today' Sammy thought to himself as looked up at the ceiling looked at his computer to see someone messaging him he went over his computer and opened up the chat window.

Tempertantress joined in 

Tempertantress: what

Goldnugget24: I heard what happened at the arcade

Tempertantress: wow news sure does travel fast

Goldnugget24: yep sure does

Tempertantress: >:(

Goldnugget24: :)

Tempertantress: anyway is it normal for your face to turn hot all of a sudden?

Goldnugget24: yea it's called a fever duh  get some rest. You need it

Tempertantress: k

Tempertantress left the chat

Sammy changed into his pjs and went to sleep thinking about the boy 'What was his name again?' Sammy questioned himself before falling asleep.

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