Are You Following Me

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Sammy's pov

I was walking to the library and I had something on my mind ever since yesterday, why was I feeling so weird around that guy, why was my face heating up so much, did I have a fever or something? Uhg so many questions! I made it to library and realized that it had less people than usual, "odd" I said to myself walking to a genre section, I went to the nonfiction section and picked out a book and went to sit at a table and read my book. "Well looks who it is" a familiar voice said I looked up in surprise as I saw the same boy from the arcade "oh uh hey, what are you doing here?" I asked nervously looking around trying to avoid eye contact.

Third person pov.

"What's the matter can't I come to the library to read a book?" Emanuel asked putting his book down and looking Sammy, giving up Sammy looked at him and answered "Well I just didn't think bad boys like you would want to come to a library." Emanuel blushed and hid his face behind the book, "I'm not that bad y'know," Emanuel said looking up at Sammy. "Really?" Sammy askedwith one brow raised, "So why are people quivering in fear every time they see you?" Sammy continued earning a weird look from Emanuel, "It's bestI don't talk about it-" Emanuel said putting down his book, "Besides I'm only bad when I have and want to be~" Emanuel continued with a deep voice smirking at Sammy, he coughed nervously and closed his book, "soo-" Sammy said trying to change the conversation "Why aren't your buddies here with you?" Sammy asked looking at Emanuel who raised a brow, "hm?, Oh, uh I told them to not come with me-" "oh?" Sammy asked with a straight face "yeah, it gets a little annoying having two people following me all time" Emanuel said leaning his head in his hand, "heh my dad sent them." Emanuel chuckles as he taps his finger on the table thoughtfully looking down at the book not even reading it, he snapped out of his thoughts as he realized what he said. "He sent them?" Sammy asked tilting his head, Emanuel looked away avoiding eye contact with the same look he gave Sammy. "Well uh, I guess he sent them for a good cause?" Sammy asked squinting one of his eyes, still tilting his head, Emanuel looked at him with half lidded eyes and raised brows "hm i'd like to think so..." Emanuel trailed off. "Well, I have to go so, I may or may not see you later.?" Sammy said questionably Emanuel stood up "uh yeah I guess I'll probably see you later." Sammy went to put his book back where he got it from and left, Sammy soon after did the same thing and left. As Sammy was walking down the block until he had a feeling that someone was following him, he picke up the pace but he heard the footsteps go faster and the quicker he walked the faster the footsteps get, Sammy then stopped and turned around to see Emanuel walking behind him, "Are you following me?" Sammy asked as he crossed his arms "Noo, I live on the street further down."  Sammy's eyes widen as he actually felt a large amount of happiness build up inside him, "i live there too!" Sammy shouted as he covered his mouth Emanuel looked at him trying to hold back laughter "re- really?" Emanuel asked looking away so Sammy couldn't see his face as he was about to laugh, he finally kept his cool and turned back to Sammy and asked him "You wanna walk with me?" Sammy quickly replied with a yes and they kept walking and as they walked they they talked and cracked jokes Emanuel said a joke that made Sammy laugh "that w- was so te- terrible!", Sammy laughed out "oh come on, your laughing" "shut up" Sammy said as he wiped away a tear from his eye as they kept walking they reached Emanuel's house "Well here we are." Sammy looked at his house and looked across the street and saw his house. "Wow" Sammy said as he looked at his house and Emanuel's "You are right across from, my house." Emanuel looked across the street and saw Sammy's house "huh, so it is" Emanuel said looking at Sammy "mabey we could hang out sometime" Emanuel continued ask he walked towards the door of his house as "later" Sammy said "later" Emanuel also said as he turned to unlock his door as he heard Sammy walking away he turned around to look at Sammy's ass "wow" for a boy he has one fine ass" Emanuel mumbles to himself as he opened the door and went inside, he closed the door and went straight to his room lay on his bed face up 'why do I feel this way about him, if my dad finds out about this, god knows what will happen' Emanuel thought as put his hands on his face, he looked at the ceiling for while until he dozed off.

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