Chapter 5- final chapter :(

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We were finally out of the house and I caught myself holding onto Ashton’s sweater shivering. I didn’t noticed until I was calm and pulled away and blushed a bit. Luckily no one noticed except for me and Ashton, Ashton gave me a cute smile, which made me blush even more. When everyone was out of the house Ashton decided to tease me about how I was reacting and so forth. I ran after him and tired getting him but he was intensely fast.  I pretended that I got mad and walked away to se what Ashton would do.

            “Scar! I’m sorry, I didn’t know it would hurt you. I’m so sorry.” Ashton pleaded for forgiveness.

             Just to see what he would do If I cry, I played along again and started to cry.

            “Scarlet please don’t cry I don’t ever want to see you cry!” Ashton said being a kind-hearted person.

            I was so shocked to hear something like that from Ashton, I never expected that from him. To be honest we just met, what would make him say something like that? He’s such a sweet and caring person. Who ever is his girlfriend is so lucky to have him as a boyfriend I thought to myself. But, what Ashton said made me curious to ask, “Ashton, I wasn’t really crying but why don’t you ever want to see me cry?” 

            “Ummm…. So where do you guys want to go now?” Ashton questioned changing the topic.

            I didn’t bother asking him again because I didn’t want to annoy him. After that we all just walked around and then ate at “East side Mario’s.” It was getting late so we decided to go home. We first dropped Ashton and Ev off and then left to our house. Once we got home Ray asked me, “Scar did you break up with Skylar?”

          I thought about it and decided to tell him. “Yea and I broke up with him because I was being accused for something I never did.” I responded.

          “Scar you could have told me before you know. I wouldn’t have hurt him if you didn’t want me to, you know I’m here for you and I would have rather heard this from you instead of someone else. Next time just tell me anything that’s bothering or hurting you ok?” Ray replied.

          “Ok and thanks for being so supportive and caring.” I said and hugged him tight.

          “Anytime Scar I’m always here. By the way Ashton is an awesome guy, just saying.” Ray told me being a bit secretive.

             As soon as Ray had said that I started to blush and got out of the car with no answer. I was so tired from today, so I just went upstairs and got changed and went straight to bed. As I was in bed all I was thinking about was what Ashton said today. I felt myself getting deep feeling for Him. That isn’t something that happened to me often, I don’t start liking someone that I just met, but Ashton’s different. There’s just something about him that is making me feel this way for him. The thing that scares me is if he likes or feels the same way I feel for him. Anyways lets see what is in store for me in the future. After a while I drifted away.


            Everyday that I spent with Ashton the more and more my feelings grew for him. I couldn’t keep this in anymore I had to tell someone and as usual I had to tell Ev first. So I went upstairs and got ready and went to her house. When I got there I rang the bell and Ashton opened the door.

           “Hey Ashton is Ev home?” I asked

           “Hey Scar and yea she’s in her room.” Ashton answered.

           “Ok thanks, I’ll talk to you later.” I said to Ashton.

           Walking past him when he pulls me back by the hand and asks, “Umm… Scar I was wondering if you want to go to the falls tonight, just me and you?” Ashton questioned.

          My heart just started pounding faster and faster, I couldn’t even lock eyes with him because whenever I did I just got butterflies and started to blush.

          “Yea sure! Can’t wait, meet you at 8 in the evening?” I replied with a high voice.

          “Sounds good.” Ashton replied with a huge smile on his face.

          I ran upstairs and busted into Ev’s room and slammed the door shut.

         “Hey Ev, I need to tell you something.” I said with excitement.

         “Hey Scar and yea go on what do you need to tell me?” Ev said curiously.

         “So, ever since we went to Niagara Falls with Ashton, my brother and you I’ve started getting deep feelings for Ashton and now I really like him maybe even love him. I’m so sorry I never told you but I wasn’t sure if it was a true crush or not but I couldn’t keep it in anymore. Anyways me and Ashton are going to the falls tonight.” I explained to Ev with excitement.

            “Scar that’s awesome and don’t worry I understand. I’m really happy for you and I hope that Ashton asks you out soon. You guys will make the best couple ever!” Ev said pleased.

            “Well, I gotta get going. I have to get ready to go with Ashton. But thanks for being there for me forever.” I replied all jittery.

            I hugged Ev and rushed back home and rushed to my room and took out my white tights, with my pick lace top and white flats. I got ready and teased my hair and put my make up on. By the time I was done it was already 8 and the bell rang.

           “Ray! Can you get the door please! It’s probably Ashton.” I shouted from upstairs.

           “Ok!” Ray screamed back.

            I grabbed my coach wristlet and got my phone and ran downstairs.

           “Hey Scar, you look beautiful.” Says Ashton.

           “Awwww thank you and sorry for getting late.” I replied blushing.

           I put my shoes on and followed Ashton to his car. He held the door open for me and got in the other side. The entire ride to the falls was dead silence but we still had music on so it wasn’t bad. We got there parked the car and walked towards the falls. While we were walking by the falls Ashton stopped and took my hand in his hand and said, “Scarlet, I asked you to come her with me because I wanted t tell you something I’ve wanted to say the day I first met you. Scar, ever since I met you I fell in love with your gorgeous eyes and when you were pretending to cry that day I thought you were really hurt so I couldn’t take it in. The reason being is that ever since Ev told me about what Skylar had done to you, I’ve wanted to be everything you wished for. I’ve loved you ever since and will forever. I just don’t know if you feel the same, that’s my only fear.” Ashton says with his heart.

            I felt a whole load of weight just lifting off my shoulders and my heart was beating so fast I could believe that this was happening. I never thought Ashton felt this way for me and I’m positive I’ve found my true love, I was filled with joy tears but I knew I had to keep them in.

            “Ashton I don’t know what to say. I fell in love with you the day I met you and I just didn’t realize it until a while later. The more and more time I spend with you, the more my feelings grow for you. I love you now and will for my entire life.” I said while gazing into Ashton’s eyes.

           Ashton held me by the waist and kissed me, I couldn’t help but kiss him back. He broke the kiss and said, “Scar, be mine forever?”

          “Forever and Always, Ashton! Forever and Always."


Forever and Always ends here. Comment, rate and becomes fans. Please tell me what your thoughts on the story was. I would love to improve my other stories and make you guys happy. But going to upload a poem soon. 8D hope you guyz like it.


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