Chapter 22

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Sasha's POV.
The Next Day.

I woke up feelin good Neeyah was laying next to me. I love her so much she's so beautiful. I hate that she's so hard on herself she doesn't think she's beautiful but she is.

I got up and went in the restroom.  I haven't talk to my parents since they left.

I felt Hands wrap arm my waist.

Neeyah- You look beautiful wen ur hairs all messed up.

I laughed.

Sasha- I look a mess. I need to go get my hair done.

Neeyah Put Her Hand on my breast and started squeezing it.

Sasha- Not right now.

I pushed her away and went back to our room.

Neeyah- Wat was that for?

Sasha- I'm not in the mood. I'm tired.

Neeyah-  Come on now.

She came and tried to kiss me I pushed her away and walked downstairs.

I started making breakfast

She came downstairs angry.

Neeyah- Wat the Fuck was that?

Sasha- First off watchin your mouth and secondly I don't wanna have sex all the damn Time.

I've never seen her this angry cause I don't wanna fuck.

Neeyah- I'm sick of this we haven't had sex since almost 2 months ago. You don't want me to cheat so you need to go ahead and let me get some man.

I was shocked by her words bout cheating because she cheated on me a few years ago.

Sasha- U know wat go. Go cheat and see if Me and the kids  are here wen u get bac.

I walked over to the door and opened it for her to leave

Neeyah- I'm not goin anywhere.

Sasha- Get The HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!

I started crying.

She Grabbed her phone and keys and left. I slammed the door.

I hate her sometimes..

That Night.

I went and got the kids from Tina's and Kenya's  .  I haven't talk to Neeyah and I didn't want to.

Sasha- How's Mom's Babies.

I talk to the kids while they were talking their Language. I drove home and Neeyah's Still wasn't home.

I got the twins in the house. And feed them and  gave them a bath. And put them to sleep.

I sat on my bed after I took my shower. I was scrolling thru Twitter. Alyssa Had Text me. I opened it and it was Picture. A pic of my wife and some Nigga I didn't know

 A pic of my wife and some Nigga I didn't know

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I was so flabbergasted. I started Crying.

Alyssa🌸- I saw this on Ig. Wtf is goin on?

I texted her back and said I don't know I don't understand.

As I Was sitting there thinking bout wat to do. I heard the front door open and closed. I got up off my bed and walked downstairs.

I couldn't believe wat I saw. The nigga had his crusty ass lips on my Wife.

I flipped on the light.

Neeyah jumped outta her damn skin.

Neeyah- Sash— Sasha?

?- Whos this? Your sister or somethin?

Neeyah-You should go Tim

Tim looked at me and then left.

Sasha- So this wat u do? You and get a nigga?

Neeyah- Baby..

I started walking up the stairs. She came and grabbed my arm.

Sasha- Get off me.

I snatched away and went upstairs to my room.  I laid down on my bed and went to sleep and I can't do this anymore.

Erica's POV
The same Night.

I am currently at home wit Nyla. Ty was out getting some stuff. We are not speaking only if it's bout Nyla. I am considering moving out because I can't do this I'm tired of always being the bad guy.

I was putting Nyla to sleep. When I heard a knock at the door.

I went to the door. It was TT and Neeyah. This can't be good.

Erica- Hey wat y'all doin here ?

Tiara- We have women and men problems.

They came in and Told me everything.

They're situations are worse than mine.

Erica- Girl we need a vacation.

Tiara- sounds like a good idea since I graduated. I don't have to worry about school. I just don't want Honest to go and we have sex again.

Erica- Tiara... Honest Loves you so much I can tell. At work she doesn't seem like herself anymore. She doesn't go out unless it's wit us.

Tiara looked down and started crying.

Neeyah- I just don't if Sasha is gonna forgive me this time.

Erica- Neeyah u take Sasha For Grated you don't never just sit and listen to her. You need to fix this before it's to late.

She Put her head down. I heard the front door open.

It was Honest and Ty.

Tiara hurried up and wiped her tears.

Honest didn't even look her way.

Erica- Hey Honest. Ty can I speak to u for a min?

She nodded her head and we went into the kitchen.

Ty- Wassup?

Erica- Look I think that we need space from each other you know I love u. I'm just tired of arguing and Nyla doesn't need to be in this type of environment.

Ty sighed and nodded.

Ty- Your right. I'll go stay wit my mom for as long as it takes.

I smiled and kissed her forehead.

We went bac in the living room and Honest was looking down.

Neeyah- Do y'all mind if I stay here for a few nights?

Ty- Sure.

Honest- Well I'm gonna go I gotta somethin to do.

She started walking out the house.

Tiara- Honest Wait.

She went after her.

Hopefully they get it together.

Tiara's POV.

I ran out behind honest. I just can't her slip away.

Tiara- Baby Stop.

I grabbed her arm.

Honest- I can't do this anymore. Tiara you need to make a decision and make it fast. I'm nobody's Sidechick.

I got closer to her.

I kissed her deeply and passionately. She kissed back.

I moaned and squeezed her ass.

Hopefully this Trip doesn't turn out to be crazy.

Chapter 22 here ya go.  Vote and comment

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