This dream happened last year and it's defenitly the weirdest I had! XD
The first dream was me and this random guy in some kind of shopping mall where there were a looooooot of shops. In the shopping mall, when it was opening time, for some damn reason each owner of the shops had to sing a song inspired by what they sold in the shop like it was some kind of Disney movie. XD Our shop was like some sort of butcher shop but we only sang about bacon. XD
I don't remember if it was me or the other guy but one of us fucked up the song and somehow, according to the shopping mall's rules, that meant instant death. Our shop was immediatly closed and me and the guy just ran dafuq out of the shopping mall to try to escape from all the shop owners after us. XD
Then, the dream changed. I was gone and the main protagonists where this 2 guys. Where 1 for some reason was a god? And was looking for his daughter? I don't fucking know okay. XD
All the shop owners were scared of him 'cause he was hella mad which made the ground shake a lot and violently. I guess he was mad 'cause he couldn't find his daughter anywhere?
The normal guy was trying to find a way out of the shopping mall but, unfortunely, they were both stopped by this police force like the FBI or a Swat Team (I guess I wached to much C.S.I that day XD). The Boss of the Swat Team asked the god guy "You could smile you know?" (aaww how nice of him to ask XD) The god guy responded with "I can't smile 'cause my wife was killed" (oh boy XD). The Swat team was pointing their guns at them both, do you know how he stopped him? Did you read the title? Yep, by using his asshole! HIS. ASSHOLE! XD I guess he sticked them in his asshole and squeased until they broke! XD God wtf do I smoke XDDD
Oh but wait here comes the best part! XD When he reached the Boss of the Swat Team he sticked the gun in his asshole, but PLOT TWIST!! It wasn't a gun. It was one of those machines that lift things up. This thing:
He then lifted the god guy BY HIS ASSHOLE and trew him out of the shopping mall.
Oh well I guess I will never know really. XD
Hope you enjoyed it! :D
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Di's questionable (probably high) Dreams and some stories
RandomI have a lot of crazy weird dreams (for real I don't know what I eat, drink and/or smoke to have this dreams) so I want to share them with the world 'cause the world needs to know this works of art my brain likes to create at night. I hope you, enjo...