My stupid PA (2)

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hiiiii.... so he're I am... once again.. guys.. Do  vote for this story. & love you all... who comment me.. in such a sweet way...

My stupid PA

it's being 4days that SwaSan are apart from each other.. 
both are really missing each other. badly... when ever Shomi ask about Sanskar  she get more sad..  and on the other hand Sanskar  was hell worried knowing she would defiantly take stress about him.. so he tried to follow his all routine & meals.. etc. making Ap  & rest surprise yet happy even Lucky too pull him leg.. knowing how much he was missing her...


both are in call taking to each other it's their 5th call in a day... even knowing he & she both are safe but the feeling of away from each other make them scared. remembering their PAST.. 

"hey  jaan... did you have your medicine..??"

"yeah.. just before you call.. I had.. anyway did you have your lunch & dinner on time.. ??"

"yes... you can ask mom..😊 "

"okk.. I will accha listen na... don t you have any meeting right now..?? in Kolkata..???😐"

"😂😅 no.. jaan..  sorry for that.. if I have.. I was with you now.. by giving excuse of meeting. you know.. 😉"

"yeah right...🤔"

"achaa.. now..  sleep... my both princess need rest. "

"ok.. &. Mr.hubby+papa... you too sleep well..."

"good night... Love you jaan.."

"good night..  love you too..."

both hang up their call... when both find some giggling and they find out raglak  both spying on them.. they roll their eyes.  but it's not helped them.. soon they two join SwaSan making them blush like hell

•• Sanskar side••

"ohh  come on vaii..  you are blushing like a tomato..🍅🍅. stop it. it's not suit you.. at all.."

"stop it lucky.... 😑 dont start right now..  am feeling sleepy.."

"oh vaii suthup... I know how much you are sleepy... so Now am going to play with you one of my favourite game. "

"are we kids..?? for playing games.?? 😕"

"no..... but it's also a adult game..  like 😎 you see..." lucky wink at him


"just only you have to answer  HOW......?? my Hitler brother just like vabi says 'KHADUs' how become this much sweet, emotional, loving,  caring, one????...💜" lucky ask with love....

Sanskar smile seeing his brother whom he always think as  a ENEMY is actually care About him... also he smile remembering how she make faces while calling him 'Khaduss'

"Haa.. yeh baat to hai.. it's 10000% that  she change me the whole... "

"how..???!!!!!!" lucky ask with naughty way..

Sanskar  suck his head & laugh.. "as Ragini change you. my brother.."  which make lucky blush.. 

••Swara side••

"ohh vabii  look at you.... you are looking like a strawberry.. pink pink...glowing.. one.. haha haha.. " Ragini teas swara.

"stop it..ragu  let's sleep... you know am tired.. right and your vaii threat me to sleep.."

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