Chapter 28-Welcome to the world of Plastic beach

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(A/N- I need a shower. I'm feelin a bit like Mudz. Even though anyone who knows me would say I'm mostly like 2-D, not due to my blue hair but cause I'm friendly but not that smart) 


"Please wake up. I can't lose you. Stay for him plea-"

"W-where am I?" 

"Oh thank Satan. You're awake. I thought I lost you"


You felt the softness of velvet cushions below you, you opened your eyes to see that you were on a couch in a big room. Next to your head, Murdoc was sitting on a chair next to the couch. You looked up at him, he had stubble, and dark circles under his eyes. It was obvious he hadn't left your side since you got here whenever that was.

"H-How long have we been here? What happened? " 

"It's been 4 days since we got here. Let's get some food to discuss what happened" His voice was low and raspy, not that yours was any better. 

He helped you stand up, you looked down and saw a hoard of empty beer bottles surrounding the couch, proving his mental state was more unstable then usual. Together you hobbled into a kitchen. 

You sat down on a chair, feeling slightly dizzy, While Murdoc heated up what appeared to be stew out of a can. 

You looked down and realized you were clean, and wearing a pair of murdoc's boxers and one of his shirts. You started blushing.

"Uhhhh.....Mudz" gesturing to your outfit. 

He started blushing as well. "Nothing happened. I didn't look, I promise. You were caked in sand and blood, I didn't want anything to get infected so I cleaned you and put you in some clean clothes. They were all I had, I'm sorry. We can order you some new clothes today if you'd like?" 

You nodded. "Thank you Murdoc.....wait. Did you say blood?"

You pulled up your shirt and saw a bandage, around your stomach. A gasp left your throat. And you eyes filled with tears. 

"Stu's baby...."

"No, no, no. The baby is fine. When you fell, you fell on a piece of glass, it went no where near the baby but still went deep enough to draw a lot of blood. I removed it and bandaged it. You'll be okay."

He set down some soup and tea in front of you and wiped your tears off your cheeks. 



*Time skip to after you ate and both were sitting in the living room. The early spring rain beating down outside.*


"Basically the pirates came to kidnap us,  D wanted to protect you so he sacrificed himself to them. Noodle and Russ went to go and get him back, I saved you and took you here before they could get us. Here being plastic beach, back from long ago. I hate to say this, but it's likely they are all dead" You could see him tearing up, a extremely rare thing to happen to Murdoc. 

You broke down in tears. "I split up the band. You all care so much, and I'm just a stupid outsider. I don't belong here. Its all my fault. I killed the Gorillaz" 

He wrapped his arms around you. "Shhhh don't say that. The Gorillaz is just a band of stupid outsiders, we are all stupid outsiders who have come together. You are equally one of us. I know you would sacrifice yourself for any one of us, as we would you. Stuart loved you more then  anything. You gave his life context. Be strong for him. "

You felt his hot tears dripping onto your arm. You hugged him tighter. "We're all alone now Mudz. We have no one."

"We have each other. I'll be there for you and your baby. Always. We're all we have. I know you will always love Stuart, and I'll never approach you sexually, I promise. But I still wan't to be there for you and help raise your baby."

You nodded. You trusted Murdoc. Despite him being cruel occasionally, he had a deep heart. At least you had him left. 

"You can have my bed. I'll take the couch" 

"C-can you sleep with me? I don't want to be alone. Nightmares are enough in my wake, I don't want to face the ones in my sleep by myself" 

Murdoc nodded.


You both lay under the blankets on the bed. You held onto his arm but still from the other side of the bed. Nothing sexual of course. Just comfort.

"Goodnight y/n" was the last thing you heard before you fell into a dark sleep.

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