Chapter 34- Ello baby

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The elevator made a binging sound, alerting that it had stopped at the main floor. 

Stu grasped onto your hand even tighter, you looked up at his face. 

He looked nervous

You leaned up and kissed his cheek, "She'll love you darling"

He glanced at you and gave a warm smile.

The door opened and you saw them all, just like a big family again.

Noodle squealed "Y/N! I missed you so much!"

You embraced her in a tight hug 

"I was so worried about you, are you okay!?"

She grinned, "I am now!"

you chuckled at her cuteness.  

You looked deeper into the living room, you saw that they had brought presents and placed under the beautifully lit tree. The fire was lit, soft Christma-cough, satanmas music was playing. Everyone had changed now and were freshly showered and in their pajamas. Murdoc sat on the couch with a rum eggnog in one hand and a smile on his face. Russel sat on the carpet playing with Harmony.

You glanced over at Stuart. He was memorized by her, even from this angle he could only make out a little bit of blue hair rolling around on the ground. 

You looked over at Noodle and Russel who were both staring at Stu with a grin on their faces, knowing he must be extremely nervous and excited. 

You grabbed Stu's hand and led him over to the couch and sat him down on it. 

Russel handed you Harmony, "She's a cutie" 

You were happy to have Russel around again, you missed him, and knew he would always be protective over Harmony. 

You sat down next to Stuart on the couch. Everyone went quiet and happily watched the meeting. 

Stu's eyes were wide in awe. 

You gently put her in his arms, causing him to tense up

"I-I don Know what tah do luv!"

You chuckled, it was exactly how you felt when you first had her, realizing she was so fragile, only now were you beginning to get the hang of it. 

"Shhh, it's okay Stu. You're her father, whatever comes natural."

He nodded slightly, not taking his eyes off of her. 

Her eyes also widened as she stared up at him.

He held her in his hands, gently rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

"Ello Harmony. meh neme is stuart-uhh...Im yewr daddy. I'm sorrah I havn't been around, but thatll be differen from now on. I'll take care o yew. I luv yew a lot" 

She seemed to slightly smile, and nuzzled into his chest, he held her with one arm against himself. She fell asleep. You knew she knew that he was her father, she had to recognize him besides you spent to many hours telling her stories about him, and showing her pictures of him.

He put his other arm around your shoulder and you leaned into him. Finally the band family was back together, and your's and Stu's little family were all together for the first time. 

Murdoc stood up, "Well then. How about I grab some food for everyone?"

Everyone nodded in excitement. It only just hit you how much he had changed since the day you met him, now he seemed happy. 

"Need any help Mudzy?"

"Stay there love. I've got it" he hurried into the kitchen.

Everyone looked at you questioningly, noodle giggled "Mudzy?"

You rolled your eyes and chuckled, "shh. It works"

Murdoc came strutting back in with a huge tray which he set on the coffee table, It had glasses of eggnog and hot chocolate, holiday popcorn, sausage rolls, cookies, and all your other favorite satanmas treats. 

Stu reached for a cookie, his face gaining a quizzical expression, his  hand hovering above the cookie. 

"What's the matt-" You looked at the cookies and burst out into laughter. 

"What's happening?" Murdoc looked down and began laughing in his raspy laugh. The two of you were rolling around and couldn't stop laughing.

Soon Noodle and Russ looked at the cookies and ended up in the same state as the two of you.

"I-I don understand. Why does meh cookie have a cock an tits?" Stu looked even more confused

causing you to laugh even harder

Tears from laughing so hard were rolling down your cheeks

"Luv! Don cry! Are yew okey?" He looked worried and wiped your tears away

"I-I'm fine Stu. I just havn't been this happy in a long time"

He grinned and you wrapped your arms tightly around him, careful not to squish Harmony. 

He ate a few cookies, as you downed some eggnog. Everyone was happily, and quietly eating. 

"Presents!" Noodle shouted, grabbing a few boxes and handing them out.

"Where in the hell did these presents come from?" You gestured towards them

Noodle grinned even bigger, "To find out where you and Murdoc had gone, we stopped at our house first to see if you were there, when you weren't we knew we would have to take a boat here so we grabbed a few things from the house, including all the presents in the attic" 

It made sense, you felt better as well because that meant the presents you had bought for everyone were under the tree as well.

Russel opened his presents, getting a new pair of drumsticks, a new beanie and sweater, a lava lamp for his room and a few other things.

Noodle got a big box of fancy guitar picks, a plush pikachu, some new makeup, and a pretty Japanese samurai sword.

Murdoc got some fancy man thongs, and a new green bass that had a big sticker of a pickle on it. When he opened it he looked cross and said "Oi! I'm not a pickle" he tried to keep a stern face but broke into laughter and began tuning the thing

Stuart got a new shirt, melodica, and a big blanket that looked like piano keys.

You got a few new clothing items and a Tank girl comic, you were memorized by the amazing art. You also got a couple of Blur Cd's.

Of course everyone got lots of gifts for Harmony, she got lots of new clothes, everyday items, as well as toys, like a little plush Rudolph whose nose lit up. 

Stu handed you a box "ere luv, open this for Harmony" 

You gently pulled off the wrapping and saw the baby zombie blanket, he had bought what felt like so long ago.

You held it in hands, a tear slid down your cheek. You gently wrapped her up in it and placed her back in Stu's arms with her little plush reindeer. 

A few hours past, of everyone being happy together and watching silly Christmas films, playing with their new presents.

Noodle is playing with Harmony on the ground.

Stu reached down besides the couch and grabs a little wrapped box

"Ey luv. I thin we forgot a presen" You look over to him with the little box

"Hmm...What is it Stu?

He carefully unwraps it and gets down on one knee, opening the box.

You blush frantically

"et's  a ring luv. uh- I don wan to be away from yew eva again. Please take this and say yew'll be with meh foreva as meh wife-"

"Stuart pot. YES" You tackled him and covered him in kisses.

Everyone laughed and cheered. 

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