I cried today,
And crying wasn't the saddest part,
It was the loneliness that came with...While crying all i wanted was to be held,
For someone to wipe my tears,
Tell me it's alright and they love me,
For someone to prove, not just say,
That i'm not alone.It was then that i realized that i live in a world surrounded by people i see everyday,
But have no idea who they are.
People i'm supposed to love,
But can never explain why i do.People who don't put in the time to get to know me,
And never put are willing to give up theirs in return,
People who love me because they have to,
But can't prove their love without reason...I want to be loved with reason,
With want.
Not with respect respect,
Not as a responsibility...I'm tired of living with strangers who i'm supposed to call family and friends.
I'm tired of loneliness,
Of the want to have someone just hold me...I don't require money,
Just time
I don't need jewels,
Just devotion
I don't want food or transport or popularity,
But time and comfort and love with meaningI'm tired of feeling as though i'm a rock in a world full of ocean,
Slowly, painfully being washed away...bit by bit, piece by piece...
Until all that's left is the sand you try to form together once you realize how truly broken i am,
For the weak, broken, the soulless
PoesíaAnd bunch of poems describing me and my life, the hardships I've been through and the bumps in the road I've crossed