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Yop Yop Yop tagué par EXOisMyBullShit donc let's go

Es tu une fille ou un gars ?

I'm à boy..

Pourquoi tu lis mes tags ?

Because I want to learn more about you but I don't want to speak and the other reason is I'd like to know if I'm tagged or not

Est tu amoureux ?

Maybe... or maybe not... 😏😏

Jibooty ou swag attitude ?

Oh... did I have to awnser ? Because I don't know about what did it mean... sorry

Lit ou canapé ?

The bed immediately

La couleur que tu déteste le plus ?

I'll awnser you their's no awnser... all color are beautiful

Crois tu aux aliens ?

Statisticly their's some alien in the world.. whit all the stars in the universe the probability of an other intellectual life in the universe is of 100% so yes. But probably too much far away for found them... too bad

Écris 5 mots en tournant sur toi même

Kill Snake wearing himself tear

Chanter ou danser ?

Dancing without hesitation

Sucre seul ou accompagné ?

With something else

Montre une photo des bts à tes parents

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Montre une photo des bts à tes parents

Too boring for and if I do it they will not react I'm sure of that

Boire du tae tout les jours ou manger un kookie par heure

Beautiful joke too bad I don't understood it but cookie is life

Tu me trouves bizarre ?

For the moment no you look normal

And now the tag. I'll tag only MorganeTheRose it's a vengeance

Smack on you all 😘

des tags, tout plein de tags [FINI]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant