Simple Secrets

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so in this chapter I switched from focusing on Katina to Tarvet, Now a think to note right now to avoid confusion is that star cats and moon cats are the same thing, celestial cats, star cats are female and moon cats are male. Also! To those of you who hate cliffhangers... heh.... Sorry...


After he had gotten his new visitors into his little 'apartment' Tarvet started to climb the ladder out, click-click-click Tarvet knew all to well what that sound was, it was a hunting Star Cat. He poked his head out of the hatch to see if he recognized her, oh no, It was Verlain. She had been uh, upset with Tarvet ever since he had accidentally pounce on her tail while he was hunting. If she saw him in his human state, Tarvet guessed his chances would be minuscule. She was the one who taught him his abilities, she taught him to hunt and how to survive in the place where everyone was both predator and prey. She preyed on those who displayed weakness, unfortunately she thought becoming human was weakness. Often times Tarvet thought she lost herself, like many others had. Although she could still become human, however much she disliked the idea. There was a distant howl of another star cat, no, not a yowl a howl, a star cat's howl sounds vaguely like that of a wolf's, if a wolf was 5 times  bigger. Verlain's ears pricked and she bounded to see what her sister had caught. Tarvet slowly crept out of the hatch careful not to make a sound, after listening for a long minute he turned back to his feline form, his hearing and eyesight sharpened, his teeth grew longer until he had a mouth-full of fangs, not too long ago he had lost himself in the wild instincts that came with his form he had become a wildcat, just like so many others had. But, he had seen her the one person he had search desperately for so many months. He shook his head, right, he needed to do something. He bounded to the wall and started following it to the left, right when he was about to turn around because he thought had passed it, he saw the door. The door had a pass code that he had tried hopelessly to figure out, he stopped in front of it and morphed back to his human state "maybe she could figure this out" he mumbled to himself, then remembered how she had looked at him after he turned back to a human "No... No... She wouldn't, after all, she didn't even remember her own brother."

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