Just because of a random girl

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"I'm telling you, she was flirting with you, Liam!

- Oh my God, Theo, it's not like if we kissed, just chill.

- She wouldn't stop touching you!

- Yeah, and I pushed her away, stop being so fucking jealous, Theo. Oh my God, you are incredible."

Liam and Theo were on their way home from a party one of their friends throw. They left because Theo was a jealous boyfriend and once again, he started an argument with Liam.

It wasn't Liam's fault if girls liked him, he couldn't do anything about that, no matter how many time he told Theo he would never do anything with a girl, or with someone else than him, he was like this every time someone was flirting with his boyfriend.

"Will we ever be able to go to a party without you being jealous of some random person, Theo? I am not going to fuck with everyone I talk to.

- She tried to kiss you!

- Yes. She tried. Did she do it ?"

Theo didn't answer the question. Because even if he was drunk he knew Liam was right. Liam was old enough to drive but he didn't have his licence, so Theo was driving. Drunk, and angry after some random girl he had never seen before today.

"She didn't. She could have, and you could have kissed her too! Remember last summer, that happened."

Theo was drunk, so of course he had to bring that story up. Yes, Liam made a mistake that summer but apparently Theo never forgive him. And anything that could make him win this fight was a good reason for him.

"Oh my God, Theo! That was a fucking year ago, get over it! I made a mistake, I apologised, stop thinking about it for God's sake!

- You cheated on me once, you could do it again!"

Now Liam was starting to be angry too, but after Theo. He hated him when he was drunk, and every time he was going out he was getting drunk. He should have been used to it, but he wasn't.

"It was a mistake and I regret it, Theo! Can't you just forget that happened and move on?

- No I can't because that fucking hurt me, Liam!

- You are so fucking drunk right now, just look at the fucking road and drive us home!"

Now there were fighting. Unconsciously, that was what Theo wanted. He started to drive faster because now he was mad at the girl and at Liam. He knew he shouldn't be mad and it was making him even more mad. It was 3 am and it was raining, but Theo didn't care, he was angry.

"You always only think about yourself, Liam! You are so selfish! You know that I don't like it when someone flirts with you and yet you always let them! Every time we go out to a party! Can't you just think about me for once?

- Theo, you are drunk, you know I love you and I think about you all the time.

- You don't love me, Liam! You are a jerk, I hate you!

- Theo! Stop fucking talking and look at the fucking road!"

The car was going faster and faster and Theo didn't seem to care but Liam was scared. For the first time he was scared of Theo. Because he was driving and he was drunk.

"Theo, please. Stop the car."

He was starting to cry. He wasn't sad, he was scared. He was really scared, because his drunk boyfriend was crazy.

"Shut up, Liam.

- Theo! Please! I'm scared. You are scaring me! Stop the fucking car!

- Shut the hell u-."

They were arrived at a crossroad, that Theo did not see, because he was looking at Liam while shouting at him. So, naturally, he did not see the other car either.

Liam saw it, but it didn't have the time to tell Theo, the crass already happened. And at this moment the only thing Liam could thing about was Theo. He didn't want to die having a fight with his boyfriend. He didn't want to die at all.


When he opened his eyes, all he could see was the white ceiling that was too bright for his eyes. He had to close and reopen them several times before being able to keep the open. There was an odd bipping in the room and he couldn't say where it was from. He tried to sit on his bed when the doctor came in the room.

"Hi, I'm glad to see that you're awake. How are you?

- Hum, my whole body hurts...

- That's normal, do you remember what happened before you wake up here?"

Not really, he didn't remember much. He knew he was in the car, he was going home from a party with his boyfriend. But that's it, he couldn't remember anything else.

"Hum, we were in the car. And..."

Yes, now he remembered.

"Oh my God. Where is he? Is he okay? Where is he?"

He tried to stand up and get out of bed but the doctor stopped him.

"Stay here. There is something you need to know.

- What? Tell me!

- He... huh... he didn't make it.

- What do you mean 'he didn't make it'. Where is he? I want to talk to him!

- Theo. He didn't make it. He is gone.

- No. No, he's not. He can't be. Stop lying to me! It's not funny! Call him! I want to see him! Right now!

- Theo, Liam is dead."

He was crying, he was crying so much, he didn't know there was this many tears in a human body. He hadn't cry this much in is whole life.

"He can't be. Oh my God, that's my fault. I am the one who was driving. That's my fault."



Malia. Of course Malia was here. Since Theo left the hospital he hadn't left his house but all his friends, who was he kidding, all of Liam's friends, were coming to see him every day. He was not friend with them, especially not Malia and he didn't know why she wanted to talk to him so bad. They all lost Liam that night and it was his fault, they shouldn't want to talk to him or know how he was doing.

He wanted to be alone, but the door wasn't locked so Malia came in.

"I brought coffee and I hope you are dressed, Theo."

He was on the couch, at the same place Malia left him yesterday. His eyes were so red it looked like he hadn't sleep in a week. And he hadn't.

"I also brought you a movie. Well, I haven't brought you a movie, I wanted to watch it. Here, your coffee.

- Not thirsty.

- Oh my God! He talks! What a miracle!!"

And for the first time in a month, Theo smiled. Malia was happy. If he smiled, it means there is hope he'll get better. It will take time, but he will get better. She knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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