-Johnny-Your stomach, You hate your stomach cause over the years you got fat but Johnny loves it cause it gave him 2 kids Ava and your son.
-Charlie- Your Hair, You hate your hair cause it's to big and to much, Charlie loves it cause he can play with it everyday of his life
-Jorel- Your arms, You hate your arms cause of the self harm scars on them, Jorel loves your arm and scars cause those show your a fighter.
-Danny-Your Thighs, You hate them cause there too big and the scars on them, Danny loves them cause their comfy to sleep on and your scars show your a fighter.
-Matt- Your Skin, You hate your skin cause of all scars and acne on it, Matt loves it cause it shows you lived.
-Dylan- Your accent, Your Mexican so your accent sounds funny so you hate it cause people can't understand you most of the time, Dylan loves it cause to him it's so hot and turns him on when you talk.