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WARNING: Liza isn't exactly suicidal here but she does cut herself so just a heads up, ok enjoy

Liza's POV:
Checking my hair in the mirror one more time before running down the stairs to the door. "One sec" I yell as I slide across the living room. I reach the door catch my breath then open it. I'm greeted by David holding roses. "Awe bubba thank you!" "No problem babe" he said a while pecking my lips. I turn around and run to the kitchen to fine a vase. When I find one I put the roses in and add some water.

Davids POV:
While Liza is putting the roses in water i yell and say I'm going to use the bathroom. I walk up the stairs and reach the bathroom door. I open the door and look in the mirror at my messy hair. I looked through Liza's cabinets to see if I can find a comb or brush. I bend down and look in the drawers and under the sink. When I reach the sink I see a pencil sharpener. I pick it up and think maybe she is still unpacking and throwing things around. I hear small footsteps coming towards the bathroom so I put the sharpener down quickly and stand up and close the cabinets. "Ready" Liza says while ruffling my messy hair. "Yup" I say and I grab her hand and we walk down stairs.

~after dinner~

Liza's POV:
We pull up at my house and get out of the car hand in hand. When we get inside David leads me to the bedroom. When we get there David throws me on the bed. He kisses down my neck And before I realize it he's taking off my leggings, remembering what I did last night I push David off of me and jump of the bed. "Are you okay Liza?" He asked lookin confused and concerned. "Um I-i um, I need to use the bathroom" I start to back away and David comes closer I turn and run to the bathroom and lock the door. I sink to the floor and put my head in my hands. After a couple seconds I hear a quiet knock on the door. I sniffle and stand up. I take a deep breath and let it go. I open up the door and see davids hand in the air ready to knock again.

Davids POV:
I see my girlfriend standing in front of me with mascara running down her face. "Liza, d-did I do something wrong?" I asked looking at the floor. "No! No David you didn't it's just, I, no you didn't do anything." "Liza what's wrong?" I asked looking her in the eye. She looked to the floor and whispered "nothing I'm just tired." She walked out the bathroom but before she got to far I grabbed her hand. "Liza. What's. Wrong." I asked more serious. She looked at me and I could see she was ready to cry. I grabbed her head and pushed her softly into my shoulder. I felt her body shaking horribly. I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom and Layef down with her. After awhile of silence Liza lifted her head. "D-David?" I looked at her and said "yes Liza, what is it" tucking a strand of hair behind her hair.

Liza's POV:
"I-I did something bad last night" I said playing with my fingers. We sat in silence for a second until David grabbed my face and made me look him in the eye. "Liza listen I need you to tell me what you did okay" he said while rubbing his thumb on my cheek. "Well i um"

Sitting on the bathroom floor, blade in my hand. I push my hair back behind my ears and put the blade to my leg and drag it deep and slow.

I stood up on the floor and slowly took my leggings off. David, looking very confused, was just about to speak before I saw his eyes widen and his hand fly to his mouth. "Liza, what, what happened? Who did this? Are you okay??" David asked very fast has he stood up and hugged me. I stepped back after a second and looked at him. "David, I did this"

Davids POV:
I couldn't believe the words that just came from my bright and happy girlfriend. I was confused until everything came back. There was sharpener under the sink because she used the blade in them. She wouldn't let me take her pants off earlier because she didn't want me to see the scars. She avoided me for a week because she was "busy" when really she was crying and depressed and hurting herself. "Liza" "I know I'm sorry David it's my fault and.." I cut her off by hugging her tightly. "Liza, baby, it's okay. It's not your fault okay" she looked up at me and kissed me. After she did that I ran to the bed and grabbed the blankets. I ran downstairs and threw them in the dryer. Liza following me, confused. I grabbed her laptop and some snacks and drinks and ran them upstairs. After about 5 minutes I grabbed the blankets and threw them on the bed. Liza and I laid down and cuddled for awhile. "Listen Liza, you don't have to tell me now, but I need to know why." After a second she looked up "bubba I promise I will explain later, I just don't want to right now" she said laying in my chest. I lifted her head up so she had to look me in the eye. "Liza, listen if you ever are feeling depressed or feel like you are going to hurt yourself, you call me. I don't care where I am I will be there for you." She smiled and kissed me and laid down on my chest again. "We will get through this, together" I said kissing her head. "I love you bubba" liza said while yawing. "I love you too babe"

I never know how to write/end these. This kinda sucked but 1k words though. Anyways hope you enjoyed this sorta sucked and I don't really wanna post but need to. Also this was rushed to write and unedited.

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