An Off-Start

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Olivia didn't know what to do. Given, she usually didn't know what to do about most things in her life but not knowing what to do about this particular situation deemed more horrifying than usual.

Everything about it was wrong and she really didn't want to be there at the moment. At a party. In a dark closet. With a boy. A strange boy. A boy whose intentions she did not know.

It was a predicament if she'd ever seen one. Been in one? Both? Probably not the thing she should be worrying about right now. Especially not with a potential murderer by her side. One who was making sure she didn't make any noise by covering her mouth.

"Shhhhhhh," the boy whispered. "I'm not gonna hurt you. I just needed a place to hide and well, you were blocking the way to the nearest door... I'm sorry."

She let a sigh of relief at that but she still felt uncomfortable having his hands on her face so she did the only thing she could think of; she licked his hand.

"Eww what the hell!?" He said as quietly as he could. "Why'd you do that for?"

"You know I have this weird thing about strangers shoving me into closets and putting their hands on me while telling me to be quiet," she said rolling her eyes."And calm down it's not like I have cooties or anything."

"Ok first of all I said I was sorry. Second of all who even says 'cooties' anymore?" He laughed. Or at least he would've if he wasn't trying to be as quiet he could. His eyes shifting incessantly between her and the door.

"What's your deal anyway? Why'd you have to hide in the goddamn closet when there is literally a sea of people out there that could provide you with plenty of camouflage? And it's not like you had to drag me in here with you. You could've just pushed me out of the way! And sure I would've been mad but you would've saved me the terror of thinking I was about to get raped at a party!"

"Would you keep your voice down!? She's gonna find me!" He sounded exasperated. "Look I'm sorry I dragged you with me and I wish I had a more valid reason to have done it but I don't. I just panicked. So if you would please do me a favor and keep quiet for a few minutes that would be great."

She frowned at that but kept quiet. They stood awkwardly trying to take the least space possible. But even with their backs on opposite sides of the closet they were still too close for comfort- jackets taking up most of the space.

He leaned up against the door and tried to listen for something. All Olivia heard was the sound of some generic dance song and thousands of conversations overlapping one another.

It was about 10 minutes in when she realized she could've just walked out of the closet. As long as he stayed hidden it didn't matter if she left or not right? And she'd rather be dancing with her friends than stuck in a closet with a stranger.

"...-our name?"

"Huh? Sorry.. I kinda spaced out."

"Can I ask what's your name?" he repeated. Smiling. The kind of smile that didn't belong in a dark closet. "Kinda awkward to be stuck with someone whose name you don't even know isn't it?"

"Right," she muttered. "I'm Olivia."

"Nice to meet you Olivia I'm Theo," he smiled and extended his hand(as much as he could given their situation.) She didn't take it. Instead she stuck her hands in her back pockets and watched as he awkwardly lowered his hand again.

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