Home Sweet Home?

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"Do you want to borrow my jacket?" He offered. The heat in his car was broken and she was only wearing a thin grey cardigan. He could tell that she was freezing.

"P-please?"  She stuttered. Hugging herself to try and keep herself warm.

"You are lucky I never leave home without one," he joked, working to take it off.

"Even during the summer?"

"You never know when a fair damsel might need you to lay your jacket over a puddle so she can walk over it."

She laughed one of her sweet laughs, "Touché."

He handed over his jacket and goosebumps immediately took over his skin. But the soft look on her face when she put it on and the gentle sigh of relief she let out made it immediately worth it.

"Thank you." She was engulfed by all the black fabric and it made her look even smaller than she was.

Fucking hell, he thought. Could you please stop doing things to my heart?

They drove in silence for a few minutes. The lights passing by lazily whenever Theo made a turn. Both enjoying the comfortable silence that they had somehow managed to fall into.

Theo was just thinking about asking her if she wanted to put on some music when she suddenly spoke out.

"Why are you so nice?"


"Why are you so nice?" She asked again. "To me I mean? You barely know me."

"Because were friends," he laughed. " I thought that much was pretty obvious."

"But we just met today," she countered.

"So? I still know a lot of things about you. And you know a lot of things about me. And you helped me in a time of need even when you had absolutely no obligation to do so."

"Yeah but-"

"But what Liv? Are you telling me you think we're not friends?" He smirked at her. And she could tell that she was teasing her. "I'm hurt Kittle I really am."

"That's not what I'm saying," she sighed. "It's just... I'm not used to people being so nice and it's kinda freaking me out."

At this Theo realized this was a more serious talk than he had anticipated. She had obviously been thinking about it for a while.

"Liv, were friends. Friends help each other out. I promise I don't have like... an ulterior motive or anything like that."

"I mean... I know that. I trust you... I'm just not sure why."

"Why?" He asked. Confused.

"Why I trust you."

"Maybe it's because I'm hella handsome?" He teased.

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah I'm sure that's totally it."

"Seriously though. You're my friend, and I owe you a lot."

"I know," she smiled. "I owe you a lot too."

"How about we just call it even?" He offered.

"Deal," she laughed. "Now can we please put on some music?"

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