Wrong directions

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  He looked at me for a moment and then started yelling at me "You couldn't listen to a single thing I said could you" he yelled at me like it was my fault. I had went exactly how he told me to and then what do you know we end up on a road that leads exactly to I don't know where and don't want to really.  "I listened to every word you said maybe your just as bad as  directions as I am" I shouted back at him.

  You could litterly start to see the fumes coming from his ears. "Plus I told you Im bad at directions " and its true as you can see- not really but you know- I ended up here somehow.

               A few hours before.......

      We had left school finally and Alex was telling me the directions.  But the thing was is  that he was on his phone the whole time and wasn't paying much attention to what I was doing.  The next thing I know is he says were here and I give him a dumb expression looking at him as if he was. But to be totally honest he is.

   "I dont think this is it, but here we are ..... On a deserted road" i said a little creeped out. I was sort of hopping he wasn't a hobo and actually had a house.

  After many conclusions of him being homeless he finally looked up then looked at me. "Where are we at? Cause this ain't my house nor are we anywhere near it. In fact i have no clue where we are" he said. I just looked at him thankful that he wasnt homeless then looked at my phone. "Well apparently we are lost and i went exactly how you told me so you must have messed up on the directions while you were on your phone and from what I see there is no connection to call or anything so what do we do" i said looking at him as if he was stupid.

    He just looked back at me as if i was even more stupider than he was. "I think I know how to get there and where my own home is you know so it had to be you to make the mistake and as for the phone thing that just means we have got to wait for a car to pass and when it passes jump in as fast as you can even if they haven't answered the question yet in fact don't even ask them if we can get in and take us to our house just stop them and jump in" he said .

  "We could do that if there wasn't one little problem in that whole thing you just said" I stated. That one little problem was a huge problem to be honest. "And what would that be little miss know-it-all" Alex said. I just rolled my eyes at his statement and said "We have no clue were we are at right so the problem is that we most likely aren't going to know how to get back out here and get out again. And if you don't remember right we drove my truck here and I will not leave it like a piece of no good trash." When I looked back at Alex it looked like realization dawned on him and he nodded his head in agreement after a few seconds.

  He looked at me for a moment then start yelling at me "you couldn't listen to a single thing I said could you" he yelled at me like it was my fault. I had went exactly how he told me to and what do you know we end up on a road that lead to exactly I dont know where and didn't want to know really. "I listened to every word you said maybe your just as  bad at directions as I am" I shouted back at him.

   You could litterly see the fumes coming from his ears. "Plus I told you im bad at directions" and its true as you can see- not really but you know-  I ended up here.

   We had been waiting on the side of the road for what felt like hours but was only thirty minutes to be exact. Alex was starting to get really aggravated and I just waited there silently. Alex started babbling about stuff like he wish he hadnt of gone with me and stuff like that. When I looked back at him I could tell he was panicking. I stood up and went over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He suddenly froze I didn't know why but he froze- as in very still. "Calm down it will be OK I have some water in the truck don't know why but keep it there for times like these even tho this has never happened to me before, but anyways just calm down it will be OK" I said in a very soothing voice or at least I tried I don't know if it work very well or not. All I know is that he luckily calmed down and I'm trying not to show it but I think were going to die. After that I went and got two water bottles for us and went back to the curve.

    We had been talking for a while and he was actually a really nice guy once he got past the snide comment and pick up lines that he used every once in a while. "I never thought that you would be like this cause at school you are always a snobby brat that thinks your all bad and tough. But in reality you are a really nice and kind person you know" I said to him meaning every word I said. He turn his head to me and we just looked at each other for a few seconds to long. Eventually I turned away from him to lose eye contact. He cleared his throat and said "I have reputations at school and I can't lose them cause if I do.... Well let's not think of that right now. Anyways don't say anything to anyone about me being nice and all that cause if you do I will have to do something you don't want me to do and I would think you know what that is got it" he said glaring. Well I guess I talked to soon. I nodded and turned away again.

   After that there was a long silence and let me tell you now if you don't know already I hate silence it creeps me out don't know why but it does.

   I started to babble on about stuff. I didn't even know what I was talking about but at least it wasn't as quite. After a while of babbling Alex looked at me very annoyed and said "could you shut up for a few minutes at least or are you trying to give me a headache on purpose." I crossed my arms and huffed. "I can stop talking but to be honest I get creeper out by silence and can't help it" I said. He just smirked and I could tell he was about to do a pick up line or something like that "we can makes noises together if you want to" he said raising his eyebrows. I just looked at him like the arrogant bastard that he is. "You are so sick at times you know that" I said in a grossed out voice. He kept on smirking "you didnt answer my question tho." "I don't have to answer for you to know what the answer is" I said.

  "What ever you say beautiful but we all know you want it" he said. I didn't understand how a person could be so arrogant and live without getting beat up by a gang or something. "Are you still using that stupid nickname for me" I said. "I never stopped with it beautiful" I just rolled my eyes.

   A few minutes after that a car came luckily and stopped. We told them everything that had happened and they agreed to help us. So we loaded up in my truck and followed them. We weren't going to die after all.

Hiii!!! Its me obviously or least I hope

Anyways I have finally updated I been having trouble with my stupid phone so I got a new one.... Me so happy.😁 oh and I hope it OK.

- geek girl🤓

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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