The Stupid Idiot

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    " Ladies "

   He came over to us and sat down next to Izzy. I looked over at Izzy to see her unnaturally calm, but I could tell by the way she looked she was ecstatic and gushy on the inside.

  "Hello, my name is Alex, but you probably already know that considering the hole school knows about the new kid" he said in an amused tone. " Anyways I was wondering what your names are" his full gaze on Izzy. Then I heard a lot of giggling from girls around me and sure enough every single girl at our table had there eyes on Alex.

   Izzy wasn't saying anything since her face was the color of a bright red apple and still...... freaking out. So instead I cleared my throat and when I did suddenly everyone's attention was on me.

    "My name is Sabrina and this is my bestest friend in the whole world, Izzy. Yes we did actually know your name cause like you said everybody in the school knows your name and could you stop staring at Izzy like that, I mean if she gets any redder she's going to......... ok I don't what she's going to do if she gets any redder but still could you stop so she would stop blushing like a crazy fangirl" I said all in one breath.

I don't think I should have said that cause she started blushing even more. But Alex did do what I asked him to do and stop staring at her, but the problem was that he started looking at me with a smirk as if he was challenging me or something." Why hello Sabrina first things first, bestest is not a word and why are you worried if she is blushing cause of all this" he said gesturing at his body. "I mean who wouldn't go crazy over me. I would say that your jealous cause I was staring at her and not you but I can't really say this cause this is my first time meeting you, but oh well I'm saying it anyway"he said smirking.

  I scoffed, "stop acting like such a pig. Why would I be jealous of her when all you are is a piece of trash. Just because you got an eight pac-" right after I said that I had realized what I had said wrong." So you havvve been checking me out huh?" He said drawing out the word have and smirking.

"Duh how can I not you were those shirts of your so tight so your eight pack shows off, who isn't going to look. But that still doesn't mean anything it just means I've seen you have an eight pack" I said. But he was still smirking "sure".

  "Anyways, what happen to the quiet person in Mrs long's class?" I wondered. He gave me a confused look, I sighed and tried to speak in his stupid language. "In your first period class, Mrs Long's, I sit beside you and you were very quiet and you payed attention in class you seemed like a nice person, but guess what you arnt" I smiled at him politely and started to get up and leave. "Wait" he said "your in my first period class and sit right next to me?" I rolled my eyes and got up and left ignoring everybody who was saying "wait."

   I went out the cafeteria doors and into the school halls. After a few moments, a hand grabbed me and pulled me into a room. It was the janitor's closet, how I knew that, the smell of bleach and all that janitor stuff. The lights weren't on so I couldn't see who it was.

   "Hey-" suddenly a hand covered my mouth- muffling my voice- and another hand wrapped around my waist . I struggled but who ever it was, was a lot stronger than me cause I couldn't get out of the grip. Every time I struggled, the grip got even tighter around me.

   Finally I got an idea and put it to action. It was an obvious idea and you probably already guessed it. But I used my mouth, obviously, and bit the person. The person hissed but didn't loosen the grip instead it tightened even harder, I let out a small squeal and the hand loosened just enough so it didn't hurt as bad.

   After a while, I just gave up and slowly but carefully the person put there hands down. I could see just enough light from outside to know where the door was so I could escape. But before I could even try to do it a familiar voice spoke "don't try it or I'm going to do something you will regret"

   Then the lights turned on.I gasped at who the person was.

  "And what exactly are you going to do Alex because whatever it is I'm sure it's going to be scary." I said with a " spooky" voice. Out of no where he was right in front of me smirking. "Well beautiful I'm sure you don't want to know but if you keep on aggravating me instead of letting me say what I want to say I will do it" he said

   Beautiful, what the heck?

   "Don't call me beautiful and I'm sure that whatever you do-" I got interrupted by a pair of lips on mine. I froze in shock but after a few seconds his lips parted from mine, his forehead rested on mine. He smirked "I warned you beautiful and just so you know your question from lunch  it's called first impressions sweetheart." I scoffed "and just like I said... actually i dont know if I said this but your a stupid idiot." Then he just kissed me again, smirking, and walked to the door. When nobody was looking he walked out.

  I just stood there looking like a crazy clown with a lot of red on my cheeks. Just by thinking he actually kissed me! I stumbled and almost fell but got myself together... mostly because the bell rung for the last period of the day.


Hiii!!!, so it's a bit longer

I hope it ok sounding

-geek girl

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