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                          Chiels' pov
I'm now nine months along. I caint even go to the races anymore. I want to be but I just caint. All of a sudden, I feel my pants get wet. Oh shit. My water broke. I call my mom.

CM-Baby what is it?
C-I'm on the way to the hospital my water broke
CM- I'm on the way I'm calling your dad in a minute. Stay calm.
C-I'm scarred momma.
CM- I know honey. I'm on the way now.
C-Bye momma.
CM-bye baby see you soon.

                     Chiels' mom pov
I then call Jusin.

C M-You and Asian need to get to the hospital now. Chiels' water just broke.
J-Okay, I'm about to tell him see you soon.

We then get off the phone. I get to the hospital and go to her room. She has not given birth yet.

"Hey baby." I say.

"Hey." She says.

I sit down and hold her hand.

"Baby, you're gonna be always loved by me. You will do just fine." I say.

The doctor came back in and said she was almost ready to push.

She looked into my eyes with tears in her eyes.

"Your dad an Jeff are on the way baby." I say.

The doctor left.

"I want them here so bad." She says.

"I know baby I know." I say.

She then had another contraction.

"Shhh. Breathe baby." I say.

Those two better hurry or they will have hell to pay.

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