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                             Chiels' pov
It didn't rain, so last night we made test hits, and we were ready for tomorrow night.

(next day)

We get to the spot and we're ready. I was the third to race. After my race, I hear a scream, I knew it was Jadelynn.
I look over and see a dark figure running with her.

"Dad! Someone has Jadelynn!" I say as I took off running.

"Mommy!" Jadelynn says.

"Stop! Stop! Don't take her!" I scream.

I ran and ran. The person got in a car and took off.

"Jadelynn!" I scream.
I was almost at the vehicle when they had taken off. I kept running to try to keep up. They then we're gone. I drop to my knees crying. I didn't even  have my phone on my to call the cops.

Travis and the others finnaly caught up to me.

"They took her." I sob.

Travis helped me to my feet and held me.

"We will get her back." He says.

"I'm calling the cops now." Kamikaze says.

We went back to our trailers, loaded up and left.

I'm gonna get my baby back one way or another. I'd kill for my child.
We then get home and I call Jeff.

C-Ja.. Jadelynn has been kidnapped.
C-She was taken 20 minutes ago.
J-We are on the way back.
C-Okay. Y'all drive safe. I'll be in touch.
J-Okay. See you soon.

I then hung up. Dad told Travis and I to stay with him for a couple of days. He and mom went and got a change of clothes for us. I want my baby back.

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