Prologue : New Home

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Gloss' POV
"Honey, we really need to live with them." My mom says as she puts her clothes in her big luggage. Our things are already in boxes. 15 big boxes. "I am now married. You have a new father. Well, step-father. Anyways, he's nice. Very. So, please, don't be a stubborn brat and pack your clothes." She pleads, with her green eyes, I can't say no to that expression.
It's just that, I don't want to give up my fame. My popularity. In fact, my popularity can help us. My mom. I've been offered an scholarship. But now, we're moving. And the place is too damn far. I don't want to leave my friends. My girlfriend. Ermm, my girlfriends.
But I don't want to disappoint my mom.
She has made an offer. I could stay here, keep my things here, but I would only live by myself here. With no consent. She's not blackmailing me. She even asked me if I wanted to stay here or to stay at my friend's house. But I want to meet my new father, or step-father. Whatever. I want to judge him, if he's good to my mom, what's his status, if he's rich or not. I want to know if he's not a prick or something. And by wanting those, I need to go with her. Plus I don't want to leave her alone. I love her too much to do that.
"Okay, mom." I say softly. "I just want to stay here with you. I mean, I've reached so far. I'm getting an scholarship. I don't want to leave things here. I don't want to leave my friends."
Mom stops folding her clothes and walks towards me, cupping my cheeks, she says, "Honey, it's not just about school. I want someone who can help us. I'm really lucky to find, in my age, a man who could love me. He can take care of us. Honey, when your father died, I was broken. In fact, I still am. There's a place in my heart where my love for your father still remains. Richard can send you to college. Without scholarship. He can send you to a good school. I can't by myself. You need to understand, please, Honey." She gives me a smile, gently slapping my cheeks. "I only want what's best for my son."
"Okay, mom." I say, hugging her. "Love you, mom."
"Love you too, Honey." She chortles. "Enough of this drama, pack your clothes now. We will be leaving in 3 hours. The trucks will be here in an hour. Okay?" I nod and give her a smile. A smile that can make her laugh. As expected, she laughs as she rolls her eyes at me.
Taking a step backwards, I turn around and head to my room. My mom is right. We can't just live like this. I had a thought, that I would get a job to help us. But that's not right, according to my mom. She doesn't want me to work. She wants me to focus on my studies, have fun and get loose. But we can't just live life like this. My mom barely goes to her friends, to have fun, since she has to work to get money for our basic needs. Mainly food. Sighing, I pick up the big luggage that is resting on the corner of my room. My room is full of dust. You can practically see it as it moves through the air, caused by the shine of the sun that is passing through the open windows. Going over my closet, I open it and grab my clothes, putting it inside my luggage. While doing it, I think of the things I'm going to miss here. My friends. The school. The chicks. Soccer. Damn. I miss soccer already.
Finally, I'm done packing. And I only did it in 20 minutes. Walking towards my mom's room, I ask her if I can play a soccer, one last play of soccer with my friends. She tells me I can play with them, but I need to go home in an hour so I could prepare. I tell him yes. I text my friends. Tony, Rob, Joey and Homer.
We all meet at the school's soccer field. Tony is handling the ball. I tell them that I have an hour to play with them and they nod. Then we all play the game.
The sweat is running across my face, my tank top sticking up on my chest. One last shoot, I will win. Then I kick really hard and the ball goes spiraling towards Rob and he fails to grab it so I got a score. I jump in delight and do the victory dance. Homer snickers at me and Rob just rolls his yes.
"You were really good, man." Joey says as he pats my back.
"Were?" I ask him, pouting.
"Fine, fine. Are." He says, chuckling. "Can't believe you're moving. I'll miss my friend." He sniffs fakely and I just roll my eyes at him.
"Yeah, yeah. Suck it up." I just say, looking at my wrist watch, an hour already passed by. "Bye guys, I need to get home. The trucks are probably there. Bye guys!"
"Sure! Call us, man!" Homer shouts! I nod.
"See you soon, Lip Gloss!" Tony says, laughing.
"See ya!" Both Rob and and Joey say. I just grin at them and wave. They wave back.
When I get home, two trucks are already there. On the first truck, the boxes full of things. On the second truck is the things we will keep in the storage room. We will keep it because it's too important to us. Because it's dad's things. My mom is in the living room, talking to few guys. She sees me and motions for me to go take a shower. I give her a nod and head upstairs.
After the shower, I feel new and relax. I go downstairs only to find the house empty. The guys must have put everything in the truck. When I get outside, a black limousine is parked there, in front of our house. It's too beautiful, almost shining. Damn. Mom's new husband must be really rich. I whistle. Mom hears it and she grins at me, motioning for me. She then locks the door of the house and the trucks move. Then we get inside of the limousine. Even the interior is really damn good it almost takes my breath away. It's customized. Damn. What a dream. Then we move.
8 hours of driving and we finally reach the destination. We get out and I let out a gasp. In front of us is a mansion. No, it's not a mansion. It's a freaking palace! We walk through the long way path, to the direction of the front door. On either side of the path, are bushes that are stylized. A man walks beside us, a guard, and rings the doorbell. Cool. On either side of the door, are two pillars that are big. The color of the palace is white. The grand front door opens. Only to reveal a majesty's lair.
It's too big!
A man, in his late 30s, walks to us and he grabs mom's waist. "Oh Cecil! I miss you so much, dear." From his accent, I can tell that he's from France. That he's a parisian. I have a friend back in my old home who's parisian. Her name is Lola, short for Dolores. My mom blushes and laughs. "Ah, you must be his son, Gloss, right?" I nod. "Well, I'm Richard, so can I call you... son?" He asks hopefully. He seems like a good guy, so I nod. He grins wide it's starting to scare me off. Richard has a dark hair with blue eyes. Tall, and doesn't belong to those typical old men. He's bulky, but not much, just average. He's wearing a formal attire, so I guess he just went home from his work. A businessman. "Let's go to the dining area so we can eat and have a chat." He says as he leads us to the dining area.
Again, it almost takes my breath away. The dining area is freaking big, with long mahogany table that can handle 12 persons. Seriously, how many sons or daughters he has? But what intrigues me is, the dining area and the kitchen are seperated. On my left, is the passage to the kitchen, where the maids are working. On the ceiling, attached to it, is a grand, big chandelier that is twinkling brightly. The windows are unbelievable. It's big, from the ceiling to the ground, with thick cream-coloured curtains. The maids set the food on the table, my mom next to me. Across from us is Richard. My mouth almost waters at the sight of the food. There are chicken curry, spaghetti, cordon bleu, au gratin and my favorite, mashed potato with lots of gravy! I hear Richard chuckle and I grin at him. My mom laughs at me. And we all dig in.
"So... what do you do most of the time, Gloss?" Richard asks me as he stabs a chicken with his fork, looking at me like I'm really his child. It almost makes me happy. Almost. Dad can never be replaced in my heart. He's my only dad. No one else.
"Well, I play soccer." I say nonchalantly, getting a spoonful of mashed potato with gravy and shove it into my mouth. I nearly moan but fight against it.
"Not just that, he's the leader of the group!" My mom says proudly and smugly. She looks at me with pure happiness etched across her beautiful face and I give her a thankful smile.
"Oh!" Richard chirps happily. "How does soccer work?" He then frowns. My mom and I laugh at him and Richard just pouts. Damn, he looks like a kid. I already like this old man. "What? Sorry, I'm not a big fan of soccer, but hey, you can teach me!" He says and I just nod at him.
"Where's Noah?" My mom asks him, putting a hand on top of Richard's hand. From their looks, they are really in love with each other.
"Outside," Richard says sadly.
"Um, who is Noah?" I ask awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck as I look at Richard.
"Noah is my son," he says smugly. "You guys could go hang out together!"
"You have a new brother!" My mom squeals next to me and I frown at her. She only pouts and I laugh at her.
"When can I meet him?" I ask.
We hear the front door slam and Richard just sighs.
"I guess, right now." Richard replies. When a guy near my age walks over us, he's frowning. He looks at Richard, to my mom, then to me, and his frown deepens. He has a dark hair, and blue eyes. And not to mention he's tall too! Damn it. Why they are so tall? I feel like a midget! He's probably 6'2. I'm only 5'8. Daaammmmnnnn. "Noah, have a dinner with us and meet your new brother!" So this is Noah. His frown deepens again.
"I don't want to. He seems troubled. I don't want him here." He says, turning around. Geez. What an asshole.
"Noah! Get your ass back here and apologize to your new brother!" Richard shouts as he stands up, ready to run over Noah. Mom just places her palm on Richard's arm and just shakes her head. Richard say a sorry to me. I only shrug.
Geez. Noah is an asshole. Not to mention my new brother. My new step-brother.

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