Chapter 21 : You Are In Love

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Gloss's POV
My head is spinning as my eyes flutter to open. The headache is making me groan. It hurts like hell. The party last night was so fun and wild. When I look at the clock, it's already 5:43pm. Shit. I've been sleeping for, like, almost a day. It's raining, and it isn't helping on my condition. My room is a mess. My clothes I've used last night are scattered on the floor. I'm only in my boxer. I think of last night's event, and just by thinking is making my headache even worser. Mom and Richard are on a business trip again. For 4 days. Richard gave me a $300 money. I didn't ask for it. Mom said take care and not to throw a party in the house.
My eyes travel to the rain pouring outside. And my mind flashes an image of Dad and I playing in the rain. I was 9 years old and we were playing 'catch me if you can'. We were so happy that day even mom couldn't make us get out of the rain. Mom went mad at us, said that we could catch a cold and be sick. We just ignored her and continued to play like it's the last day of our lives. Dad was running after me and trying to catch me. And when he did, he put me on his shoulder as he ran around.
My eyes water at the animated thought. I brush it off with the back of my hand, take a deep breath, and stand up. I pick my used clothes and put them in the basket. I then walk over the cabinet and grab some clothes; a white shirt, and a grey sweatpants to wear. I head downstairs, my head pounding as I walk through the stairs, then I ask Betty, one of the maids, to get me an Advil. In no time, Betty is in front of me with a piece of Advil in her hand, handing it to me. I give her a thanks and she says welcome and goes back to dusting the antiques and shits in the living room. My eyes keep flickering on the rain. What is the feeling of being able to play freely in the rain again? I ask myself as a smile tugs on my lips.
Without any thought, as if my feet have its own mind, I run outside from the house and the cold driplets of rain hit me, drenching me, my clothes sticking up on my skin. The cold feeling of water is making me shiver. I throw my head back, the driplets of rain hitting my face softly. Just running, walking, playing in the rain is making me calm. It's been ages ago since I played in the rain. It's been ages ago since my dad and I shared a playful moment. Rain makes me calm and makes me feel light, like I've not carried lots of problems, like I haven't been through a lot.
"Gloss, you might catch a cold!" Noah shouts. I look back to the house and found Noah glaring daggers at me, his hands crossed across his chest.
Looking at him, I can't believe that I liked - like - this guy. There's nothing special about him. He's just a commoner, not a king nor a prince. He's just an asshole, not a saint. He's freaking rude, not an angel. His dark hair is tousled, like he just ran his hand through it all day. It really gives him a bad boy look and suits him perfectly. He's like an Adonis. It's like he's the representative of the male's beauty and all. Just by looking at him makes my surrounding fade, makes the noise unaudible, only my heart beat is the sound I'm hearing. The only thing I can see is Noah Gerald Sky looking at me. There's nothing special about this man, but my heart sure as hell chose this man to like. My mind wanders to Beau. He's been a good friend to me. A real friend. I like him. But I like Noah more. Beau was about to ask me on a date last night, but was interrupted by Kaila. She was really drunk and kept shouting about how hot Nero is. Beau is everything I could ask for. Then why I can't just like him and be together with him? No Noah. Just him and I.
Beau and Noah are very different. Noah is always rude, arrogant, bastard, asshole, jerk. Beau is just an angel in disguise. Except for the sexual jokes he pulls. Because I'm pretty sure angels don't make sexual comments. So why can't I like him more instead of Noah Gerald Sky. Because I perfectly know Beau and I would make a really cute couple.
There's a presence beside me all of a sudden.
It's Noah.
When I look at him, his clothes are drenched, sticking on his skin, his dark hair is very wet, damped on his forehead, his royal blue eyes piercing into my light blue ones. We just stare at each other, listening to each other's breathing. His breath is calm. Mine is ragged. Because of the beautiful sight of him. My heart beat quickens my chest is practically bouncing. I just hope he doesn't hear the uneven beat of my heart.
I look away and stare at the dark sky. Even it's raining, there are still stars twinkling, dark clouds swirling above us. I remember Beau, about how he points at the star. He's amazed by it. He always says the beauty of it. He keeps ranting about why he'd like to see twinkling stars, and how he'd like to catch it and keep it. I smile at him. Noah walks nearer beside me and I shut my eyes, feeling his warm presence.
"Tell me," Noah says, almost pleading. I look at him. He's giving me a heavy and intense gaze. I look back to watching the stars. "Look at me in the eyes, and tell me what you really feel for me."
It's like all the pain I feel back on that janitor's closet comeback at me all at once. But even with this pain I feel, there this little bit of happiness and hope I feel deep inside me.
Shutting my eyes, I fist my hand and take a deep breath, ignoring Noah. Why does he want to know what I really feel for him? Why do I have to look at him in the eyes whilst I tell my feelings for him?
"Now is the time, Gloss. Look at me in the eyes, and tell me what you really feel for me." He pleads. Even my back is facing him, I can feel his gaze burning the back of my head.
"Why? Does it matter now?" I say, finding my voice to speak.
"It is and I need you to look at me in the eyes, and tell me."
"What if you won't like what I might tell you?"
"I-I'll handle it" he said cracking his voice like he would cry any second.
"No, it's already too late." I say, shutting my eyes, trying to prevent the tears from spilling out.
"Please... don't be with him. Be with me."
"Why would I be with you? You only cause pain, I don't want this pain. I don't want to be with you!" I sceamed the last sentence then run far away from him, ignoring the fact that my feet are bare naked.
I just run and run till I reach the gate, I pushed it open and run on the road as the tears start to flow out of my eyes. The pain, the memories; the kiss we've shared, the bickerings, the insults, the pranks we've pulled to each other, all of it are coming back inside my head all at once, making me dizzy. My vision blurs because of the tears. I just cry. I'm very thankful to the rain. Because it's not obvious to cry when it's raining.
Why does he want me to be with him? His the one who want this in the first place. His the one who push me away from him and leave me with this broken heart. Why is he opening this now? Now that I'm starting to find a way to forget him even if I know deep inside that there's no way to forget him.
The fact that I still like him is making me want to explode. He has caused nothing but pain to me. He's a jerk, a complete asshole. Why should be him? Why did I have to like him? It feels like I'm drowning with emotions I can't even understand. It's like I'm trapped or something. I don't know what to feel anymore. I don't know what to do anymore.
My feet are aching, from running endlessly. The tears won't stop. I'm trying but it won't stop. These tears are not from the physical pain I feel right now, it was from the pain I feel inside that slowly killing me. But even with this unbearable pain I feel, my mind and heart still screaming for this person who cause me all this pain. They don't care if they got hurt again, they still want him. I still want Noah even if I got hurt again and again.
I still like him. I still like Noah, I do. It's not too late. It will never be late and it will always never be late. I like him, I want him. I want Noah Gerald Sky. Without thinking, I run back to the house, ignoring my aching feet as my mind focus to him; to Noah Gerald Sky. My chest is burning with something I can't quite explain. I just have to tell Noah something, or else, I'd regret not saying this to him.
When I get there, Noah is still standing there, his face bow down as tears slip out of his eyes. Noah is crying. And it's because of me.
"Noah" I wispher. I don't know if he hears me but he looks up at me, and his eyes are puffy and red from crying.
"Gloss?" He said like he can't believe what see, wiping his tears away with his arm. He run towards me.
"I lied," I say, looking at him in the eyes. I do what he requested to me earlier. I look at him in the eyes and tell him what I really feel "I fucking lied. It's not too late. I like you. I still like you Noah. So much."
He purses his lips as a hopeful smile tugs on it.
I lower my head "You hurt me. You caused nothing but pain to me. You broke my heart for the first time, but it still screamed for you. I've been telling my mind to forget you, to notice someone else but it still screaming for you." I stopped when I can't fight my tears from flowing anymore, but it's not from the pain. It comes from the happiness I feel right now. "I like you Noah, so much that I hate it. But I like you, and I can't stop it." I say, smiling while crying.
Noah just looks at me with those twinkling, royal blue eyes as he chuckles as tears still slip out of his eyes. Then he steps closer into me, cups my face, and crushes his lips against mine. Ah, the feel of his lips against mine is so effing perfect. I missed these lips of him. I missed kissing him. All the pain are suddenly washed away.
I put my arms around his neck and he snakes his arms around my waist, deepening the kiss. I part my lips and Noah takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside of me. Once again, the cocoon of butterflies erupts inside me and they flutter rather wildly. There are fireworks exploding inside my chest. He pulls away and rests his forehead against mine.
"I'm sorry, Gloss." He breathes, looking at me in the eye. "What I've said that day in the janitor's closet are not true. You're not a bad thing, Gloss. You are a good thing to me. In fact, as cheesy as it sounds, you're the best thing that ever happened to me. I like you damn much, Gloss."
"I want to be with you, Noah." I whisper, hugging him closer, tightly, as if I want our bodies to be one.
"I want to be with you too, Gloss."
He leans down and captures my lips again.
And we share a very slow, passionate, full of emotions kiss.

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