Chapter 3

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Dust P.O.V
Me and Fresh were walking to a music room.When we went passed by another music room.Me and Flesh heard a beautiful voice coming from the room.Me and Flesh were wondering who was it but the door was shut so we just entered the music room next to it.And we start practising for the music competition.

Your P.O.V
Cherry said "We are going to win the music competition with your pretty voice >∀<" "Nah,I'm not that good though.Still hopping to win" I replied.We walked out the room when a group of boys came up to us and blocking our way...."Hey,give us your money." The tallest boy said.I assume that he is the boss of this gang. "We better run..." Cherry whispered next to me. "Oh,what did you say?~'Four Eyed Girl' " one of the bullies teased her . "Hey,get away from us and give us a good reason to give you money" I said kinda angrily. "Y/N NOO !" Cherry whispered next to me" "Wow,do you even know who am I brat ?I'm the school Football team leader" the tallest boy said . "Well I just don't care!" I kinda yelled. "Hmm....guys,grab her!" The bully shouted . "Y/N !!!" Cherry yelled "Cherry run ! Don't care about me !!" I yelled while try to handle the bullies but I can't.Cherry just went away and I started to get beat up by the bullies at the hallway corner.It was painful...I held my hands on my head and they said "OH LOOK ! SHE'S SCARED ~What a cry baby ~" I tried to hold my tears . Suddenly ,I heard two voices coming from behind the bullies yelling at them to stop.

Dust P.O.V
I finished practicing with Fresh so we decided to take a break outside of the music room.And suddenly I heard a lot of fighting noises. "Did you hear that ?" Fresh asked me with a serious face and I nod.We followed the noises and we saw a gang was beating up a girl that looks familiar.Me and Fresh yelled at them to stop . The gang turned around and said "Oh no I'm scared ~The skeletons are going to kill me !~ " at that time I was a little rage and I replied "Stay away from her or eles you're not going to like what happened next...." "Oh ~ And what's that ?~" I summon a gaster blaster in front of them and they gulp "I.SAID.GET.AWAY.FROM.HER...." I said as I was about to shoot the lasers out from my gaster blaster "O-OK BRO,Chil-l...No need to fight..." The bullies went away and I saw Y/N curled up into a ball with a lot of injuries on her "....Are you ok...?"I asked her kinda worried. Y/N nods and tried to stand up but she suddenly passed out. Both Fresh and I " Y/N !!!" She fell on the floor and we were worried . I picked her up in a bridal style without thinking and rushed to the sick room.

No one P.O.V
Dust picked up Y/N and ran to the sick room.The nurse was so surprised about Y/N 's injuries . The injuries on her were kinda serious but the nurse was able to manage the injuries on her.

.+*A Few Hours Later*+.

Your P.O.V
I woke up in a place that looks like a ....Sick room ? I tried to sit up and I fell back down on the bed because my body was hurting a lot . I turned to my right side and saw Dust,Fresh and Cherry. Cherry went up to me and asked " OH MY GOD YOUR AWAKE.I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU.ARE YOU OK ?! ARE YOU STILL HURT ?!" she gave me a worry look. I giggled a bit and said "Nah,I'm fine...Can't believe that this happend on my first day of school tho :/ " I said with a depress look. "Thanks to Dust and Fresh your ok" Cherry said with a tiny smile on her. I turned to Dust and Fresh and said "Thank you so much..."
"Your welcome" Dust said with a straight face. Dust and Fresh then get out of the sick room. I rested a little more and I got up from the bed and tried to walk. Cherry helped me and I could walk a little. Me and Cherry went back to the class room and everyone was gone... "Chery,where is everyone ?" I asked with a confused look "They all went home already.The school ends." Cherry replied "o-oh" I rub my back of the head . I picked up my schoolbag and went home with Cherry. "Hey,do you want to hang out with me at the smoothie shop ? " Cherry asked me "I would love to but I can't " my smile disappeared "why ?" Cherry asked with a worried look "Well I need to do housework.My real mother died 6 years ago and I raised by a couple which use me as their slave-" "SLAVE ??!?!?" Cherry yelled.I shush her and said "Yea,don't yell out loud !!!" "Sorry,but they use you as a slave is the worst thing . Are you sure you are ok with it ?" Cheery asked "yea...Besides...I kinda get used to it...." I look down "(sigh) If you say so,but tell me if something gone wrong ok ? Here,my phone number " Cherry have me her phone number "Thanks..." I said with a little smile on "Your welcome !" Cherry waved at me and we walked separated ways.
'My mum is going to kill me...'i mumbled.I arrived home and I heard some noises....I saw something red on the floor.....

.+*To be continued*+.

Hey you over here.Yea you.Did you enjoy the story ? Yes ? Well that's good to hear.My stories are crap as always xD Anyway,the story will be continued tmr if I can.And feel free to give me ideas for WhiteRoseTale.
And...Yea,Hope you have a nice day >ω0

By DaSheepyChipz

911 words

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