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(This chapter is just....Cray Cray...Yea .ω. [gotta mation...Poor grammar ;-;] )

Your P.O.V
OMG ITS CHRISMAS TODAY!!!EEKK! MY FAVOIROTE FESTIVAL HAS ARRIVED !! I was jumping happily on Dust and Fresh's couch.Dust was looking at me while laughing."Geez gurl calm down broski" Fresh came out of no where and I got jumpscared by him and I jumped off the sofa "ow..." I rubbed my head and both of the skelly Bois laughing at meh ;^;

('・ω・`)/ Several minutes of laughing later

"OMG....I CANT BREATHE" Dust yelled "ok...I'm calm...So..We have a CHRISMAS party at school tomorrow.And we need to bring our present and exchange it with someone you want" Fresh explained hmm...I wonder what does Dust like...Cuz im gonna exchange present with him !

Dust P.O.V
Exchange presents ? That would be fun..I wonder if Y/N would like to do that with me...What does she likes anyways ? Huh...Guess I'll have to find out.Now,Y/N is smiling brightly at herself.Her smile makes my soul fluttered..Why ? Why do I have this kind of strange feeling around her?Maybe Fresh is right...I...She is the angel of my life...I need to protect her... forever.....No one is going to hurt her...(Yandare Dust mode on ?!
(# ゚Д゚) nah ('・ω・`)

Wait...What am I thinking ? I feel like I'm going to be a Yandare....Dang....Ok..I was out of my thoughts when Y/N is shaking me and yelling my name.I then realized I was looking at her the whole time.Welp...She is going to think I'm a creep...And I'm starting to think of something again....WHAT.HEY ! AUTHOR-CHAN DONT TYPE THAT LINE !


And there goes...Author Chan and I broke the forth wall...Welp..She is gonna fix it then

(A lot of P.O.V switching...Hope it won't make ya confused !)

Your P.O.C
Dust is spacing out...I would lie if I said im not curious about what is he thinking....The face of his spacing out is so dreamy...Wait...What ?! I snapped out of it and saw Dust was still spacing out.I am getting worried and I started to yell his name and shake him.Evetually he is back from spacing out.He saw me and look away....Blushing ? Huh...Why is he blushing ? Then something poped out in my mind. 'why Not go shopping with them and buy presents !' I then suggest it to the skelly Bois and they agreed ! Im so happy ! I then rushed out of the house and jumping up and down waiting for them.They then chuckled at my childish action (?) Dang....I always act like a 5 years old kid on Christmas (fun fact about me I act like a 4 years old kid on Christmas) CUZ WHO DOESNT LIKE CHRISMAS ?! I hopped in the car and Dust drove us to the shopping centre.

Once we arrived there.I have a game to play~ "Hey guys,I have an idea! Let's play a game ! To play it is to buy presents in 2 hours.When it's over.We will meet up here AND you need to buy presents alone.So you can give one another curiosity and surprise! hows that ?" "Sure" both of them said in sync "Great !" I smiled happily. "Alright...When I count to 1...Let's start......3.....2.....1...GO !" I shouted 'GO' out loud and not surprised by no one started at me cause this centre is so flippin' big and so CROWDED.I rushed to some shops randomly until I came across....Something.... Familiar......

'Hey #&"* look at this music box ! It's so pretty !'
'Yea...It is,babe annndd....I love you ~'
'heheh ! I love you too~'

What...? What are these feelings......Is this some sort of...deja-vu ? I swear I have seen this before
.. Ugh...Whats happening to me these days....Meh...Forget about it.DONT CARRY TOO MUCH WORRY (eyyy that rhyme :P) ON CHRISMAS GURL.I just started at the music box for a few minutes and ran off to check out some other shops

No one P.O.V
Y/N ,Dust and Fresh have spent 1 hour to buy presents.So that means they have 1 hour left (Why do I even type that ._. ) little did Y/N know....Someone was watching her...

"...Y/N.....So you are here.....I thought you have dead..I'm sorry for abandoning you...Living with curle parents must be hard..I understand... ....Little sis..."

Dust is checking out the jewelry shop.Finding something special for someone~ and Dust admitted to himself that he has a crush on Y/N.Sure he will confess to her at the right time...He just need to wait for it

Fresh home slice boi on the other side is buying something Rad for his brokis of course....Like...Rad hover board ? Rad glasses ? Just something like that...And...Fresh has a little crush on Y/N too! He decided to buy a (F/A) [favourite animal] holding a Starbuck coffee (just imagine it...It's cute for me :3) Fresh smiled to himself and thinking something like 'This is going to be the best chrismas ever !'

What a consequence both of them are thinking about the same thing !

Dust & Fresh
"Im going to kiss Y/N under the ~♥mistletoe ♥~ "





Who is going to win Y/N's heart ?






I wonder if 'Love' breaks their friendship ? Just because they can't be with the girl they want..

And they break the friemdship between them ?


That's kinda interesting

~I wonder what happen next~

Will they become rivals ?

.+*To be continued*+.

Finally a new chapter! Holy...Finally...Holidays ;u; but I have exam after the holidays ._. welp that's bullsh*t ...Anyways,so here it is.A chrismas special (?) I can't even tell if this is a special chapter to me...It seems like a normal chapter tho ._. ALRIGHT IMMA SEE Y'ALL PEPS NEXT TIME AND

▶⬜↳♥ Merry Christmas ♥↲⬜◀

By DaSheepyChipz
1010 words

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