Chapter 32- Maybe I Miss You

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(Just because I like this song and I've been listening to it all day)   

       I watched Gemma come up to kick off the speeches and I mentally groaned. I just wanted the embarrassment over with. 

       "Hey everyone, including everyone watching this on the 1D live stream," she says, pointing to the camera in the back. We put a live stream up at the beginning of the dances to show everyone the truth  I'm Emily's bestie and Harry's brother, Gemma, and I want to tell you all about my brother, before getting to the lady of the house. Harry was always a musical child. He was in Grease, the choir, and even plays the guitar and piano. He loves to sing, and dance, as best he can. He's my baby brother, and I always knew he'd have a male or many men, as a mate. When Leila came around, I was shocked to see that he had a female mate. Leila was almost identical to him. The green eyes, curly hair, the dimples, everything. I thought she was our long lost sister, to be honest. She loved the same things, and then they kissed. And I knew, they were mates. He loves her, I can see it in her eyes, and in his. In all of their eyes, the love shines through like a flashlight in their brain. I love seeing that because I know they won't hurt my little brother because they would hurt themselves too. And nobody wants to get hurt. So I raise my glass and I hope they have a long and happy life together." 

       Gemma passed the mic to Greg and I heard Niall groan and Greg laugh. "Hello, I'm Niall's brother. I can't say anything about the blushing beautiful bride because I have not met her yet." 

      "For a reason," Niall yells out as everyone laughs, including my mates and I.

      "As I was saying, my little brother, like Harry, was a musical child and did also play in Grease. If I'm not mistaken, all the boys played in Grease." They nodded and I frowned. 

      "I played Sandy my Junior Year, so we all have played in Grease," I say and smile as everyone laughs, Greg pointing at our table.

"THIS IS WHY THEY'RE SO COMPATIBLE!" He shouts as we laugh. "But anyways..."

      After the video, I'm laughing so hard, I start to cry. I loved seeing this and it made me smile to see them so young and innocent. The boys were either red with embarrassment or hiding their face.

     "And that concludes my portion of the speech." 

     And it kind of went like that. People, including all of our parents, gave a speech. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, mainly for me. Hell, I was pregnant with Eisa, my little girl. I smiled and rubbed Zayn's leg, as Louis rubbed mine.

      After the speeches, I watched as Niall and Louis danced with their sons as I danced with Liam again. Harry and Zayn were socializing with everyone. 

     "May I steal my new daughter-in-law for a dance?" Yaser said. Liam just nodded and gently handed me over to him. I looked at him very confused, only to see Zayn dancing with his mother, looking the same as I do. I felt something poke me in the side lightly. "Make a noise and I kill your child. Now you're going to go to the bathroom and wait with Zayn for my instructions," he says and I nod, not wanting my child to be hurt. I all but ran to the bathroom and waited for Zayn. He ran into the room and locked the door. 

     "Are you okay my love?" He asked, examining all of my body. I nodded and held his face in my hand. I sat down on the floor feeling very tired, Zayn was trying to keep me awake, but I passed out anyway. 

     I woke up on a very soft bed, only to notice Zayn asleep beside me and noticed someone had changed our clothes

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     I woke up on a very soft bed, only to notice Zayn asleep beside me and noticed someone had changed our clothes. I hated the violation feeling that came with knowing someone besides my mates saw me naked.

     I sat up and looked out of the window, only to realize I was in the same bedroom that I was in when I was in the tower

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     I sat up and looked out of the window, only to realize I was in the same bedroom that I was in when I was in the tower. We were in the tower again. We had been kidnapped by Zayn's parents again and I was not happy. I sat down on the bed next to Zayn and stroked his hair to calm myself down, at least just a little bit. I was stressed and I know that it's not good for the baby. I groaned as the baby kicked me in the ribs. 

    "Are you alright love?" Zayn asked and I nodded, smiling. 

    "The baby is just being a little soccer player right now," I said and Zayn turned over, putting his hand over my bump, to which the baby kicked it. The smile that formed on his face made the room a little bit happier and brighter. I groaned when the baby kicked my ribs again.  

   "Eisa, little lady. Stop hurting your mum, she doesn't deserve it. My mum, or Trisha, does deserve a kick in the head for threatening your life and the life of my mates," he said and I smiled, still rubbing his head.

Then the worst thing happens.

I stand up to use the restroom and my water breaks.

While I'm in Hell.


This is my only post until my winter break. 

love you guys

-Lei, the (still) failing AP Lang student

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