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The first thing she remembered as she opened her eyes, the blinding white lights of the familiar laboratory gleaming into her eyes. 

Four.. the oldest friend she has ever had, comfortably lying on a white bed opposite her, his dark brown hair glistening under the fluorescent light.





NAME:   --


"To every ranger there is an observer."

That is the most basic lesson you learn upon arrival at OMEGA; the facility specifically designed to maintain and evolve subjects that have successfully bypassed the experimental stage. Only the strongest of the subjects were chosen for this sector as they undergo the most severe genetically modifying procedures and brutal combat-based exercise, for they are built to resist the plague that has claimed the lives of many innocent individuals around the world.. They call it "The Fever".

As if sensing eyes focusing on him, Jungkook snapped his eyes open to find Zero's curious gaze staring right back at him.. her head tilted sideways as if deep in thought.

"Good Morning," the well-built teenager calls as he pushes his body into a sitting position, flexing his arms outwards as if shaking off the morning drowziness.

"Your arm.." her voice trails off as the confusion in her eyes quickly shifts to worry.. a familiar patch was on Jungkook's arm.. once knows too well.."Did they give it to you?"

"Did they what to me? Oh! You mean the-"

Jungkook's voice was interrupted by the sound of a door opening, the one door to their very pale white room slides to reveal a man in black; holding trays on which two tin foil plates rest.


The man throws the food onto the floor, leaving the two kids to pick up their meals off the floor.

"Damn. I didn't know we were freaking dogs!" Jungkook shouts at the man angrily, a vein visibly popping out of his neck, only to be met by the door slamming shut.

Barely containing his anger, Jungkook furiously pulls the lid off, almost causing the plate to rip.

"I'm tired of being treated like a goddamn rat in this hellhole.. I miss my family.. my brother.." Jungkook trails off as he stuffs a spoonful of the dull, tasteless pudding lying before him, said to contain all the nutrients he needs to keep a toned body.  Zero quietly takes her meal off the floor only to almost drop it at the sound of Jungkook gasping from the side of his bed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Zero turns to him to start lecturing him about how stupid he is but instead freezes upon seeing Jungkook's enchanting purple eyes shining with a familiar determination.

"We're going to get out of here."

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