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"Are you out of your goddamn mind?" Zero's face turns a fiery red as she grabs Jungkook by the cheek. "Do you have ANY idea how hard that would be?"

"First of all," Jungkook pushes her hand away from his face,"I am not your toy. Don't touch me like that."

"Secondly, you know I can get Two to do anything I want," a sly smile forms on his face as he says these words, knowing that the older boy loves him dearly and is willing to lay down his life for him.




"You want to ask YOONGI, and I repeat, Y-O-O-N-G-I to help you escape this facility?," Zero replied, practically emitting fire at this point.

"Yes." Jungkook comfortably lies back in his chair, preparing himself for the incoming downpour of negative comments coming from Zero.

"Oh you really did it this time, Jungkook. There is no way in HELL I'M ASKING THAT PIECE OF SH-"

In that moment, Jungkook turned to the door to see the petite figure of Min Yoongi resting on the doorframe, obviously amused by the conversation.

"Um.. Zero.."


"ZERO!" Jungkook shouted, stopping Zero's impromptu speech and signalling towards the door frantically.

"He's right behind me isn't he?" Zero lowered her hands that were previously flapping all over the place in protest and slowly turned towards the door with a lowered head only to be met by Yoongi's amused smile.

"Oh please. Continue. I was really curious as to who this Min Yoongi brat is," Yoongi said as his smile only grew bigger.

"Hehehe.." Zero nervously laughed as she shoved Jungkook forward to talk to Two.

"You two are late for practice," Yoongi's playful tone was quickly replaced with a more serious one as he shoved the battle gear into Jungkook's hands, who almost stumbled backward at the heaviness of their weight.

"10 minutes, I'm waiting outside."

As if programmed, Zero and Four slid into their black thermosuits that regulate the temperature of their bodies during the practice sessions, followed by a few accent pieces used to store their weapons. A few minutes later, they were ready to meet up with Two who was casually leaning on the wall of the hallway leading to their room.

"Only took you 5 minutes. Impressive." Yoongi said as he exchanged looks with Zero, who quickly lowered her head in reply."I'm sorry about that, Two."

Passing his tongue on the inside of his cheek, Yoongi turned to face the hallway with his hands neatly placed behind his back."That's fine, Zero. Anyway, what did you want to ask for anyways?"

Jungkook was deeply lost in thought as they moved along the brightly lit hallway, figuring out a blueprint of the facility in his head. His accquired skills as an observer aided him to successfully sneak in and out of restricted areas undetected, as well as to easily construct maps. But OMEGA's construction is like no other. Not even the most supreme of observers could come up with a blueprint for this area.

However, Jungkook's train of thought was cut short as Zero nudged his shoulder.

"What is it?"

"Care to explain what you want Two to help us with, you genius?" Zero said, sarcastically emphasizing the last word as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh," Jungkook smiled sheepishly." Yoongi, we need your help to escape the labs. I can't live like this anymore. The shots, The rules.. It's driving me insane. We aren't freaking lab rats. We are people."

"I see," Yoongi stopped in his tracks, which almost caused Zero to slam into his back. Thankfully, she was able to stop herself before that. Yoongi then turned on the tip of his shoe to face Jungkook, who despite the wide age difference, surpassed Yoongi in height.

"Why is it do you think that I would help you?" Yoongi was now looking up at Jungkook through the black strands of hair that hid his forehead, his dark eyes commanding and strong.

Jungkook quickly swallowed down his fear as he proudly stood infront of Yoongi, "Because I know you wouldn't want to see me suffer like this anymore. You think I can't tell when you look at me during practice? I see you watching over me everytime I'm in a maze, being tested, even sparring. I know you care."

Yoongi's eyes widen slightly as he opens his mouth to say somehting. Instead, he shakes his head and turns back to face the door that they are now standing before.

"Very well then, I suppose we can discuss this matter over lunch. But now we have work to do."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2017 ⏰

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